



从功利主义的伦理角度来看,只有当一种行为对所有相关的人都有最大的利益时,才必须采取这种行为。从所有受影响的人的角度考虑有益的后果。因此,谁会受到影响以及有多少人会受到影响的后果将成为一个问题(West, 2004;Velasquez, and Rostankowski, 1985)。第二种适用于这种情况的伦理理论是康德义务论。康德义务论不再关注结果。必须遵守规则。必须作出正确的决定,因为这些决定是正确的,而不是因为结果(Baron, 1995;奥尼尔,2013)。结果既可以是外部利益相关者(消费者)的利益,也可以是内部利益相关者(企业)的利益。根据康德义务论,因此任何行为都不能为了个人的满足而进行。相反,必须这样做,因为这样做是义务,或因为这样做是正确的。道德义务比行为的后果更重要(Creyer, 1997)。


The company cannot afford to send out a product that harms the person in any way, such as physically or hurts their religious sentiment etc. For instance, creams must not contain mercury or other harmful substances both the internal and external stakeholder agree. Similarly, the consumers want care products that they can trust on improving their skin or maintaining it and not harming it. There are some differences when it comes to information in marketing. Consumers want information which is true, and now company is conflicted. In the case of marketing information for beauty care products with logo labelling and more, the company wants to be accurate in information. It is being ethical only because it is monitored and is also a legal necessity, as it can use the halal logo only then. However in the case of marketing to the teenage girls, there is a clash. The clash occurs because the marketing team might feel that it is not illegal to make such a representation. Teenage skin does not need the antioxidant boost, so such a representation would be misleading and unethical.

In the ethical perspective of utilitarianism, it is presented that an action must be taken only if it has the most benefits for everybody involved. The beneficial consequences are considered in the perspective of all those who are affected. So the consequences of who gets affected and how many people get affected will come into the question (West, 2004; Velasquez, and Rostankowski, 1985). A second ethical theory that could be applied to the situation is that of Kantian deontology. Now in Kantian deontology, the focus is not on consequences anymore. Rules have to be obeyed. Right decisions have to be taken, because they are right and not because of the consequence (Baron, 1995; O’Neill, 2013). Consequence can either be the benefit to the external stakeholder (the consumers) or the internal stakeholders (the firm). According to Kantian deontology, hence any action must not be performed for one’s personal satisfaction. Instead, it has to be performed because it is duty to do so or because it was right to do so. It is the moral obligation that carries weight more than the consequences of the action (Creyer, 1997).