


The campaign needs to be focused and developed based on the insights that are garnered from each campaign. The company needs to use the useful factors that had led to the success of the product and find ways to address some of the issues that are encountered by the company.
Deriving of the KPI
The KPI (Key Performance Indices) is another important factor that needs to be derived from a particular campaign. The companies need to find innovative ways and ensure that they meet the campaign objectives that are measurable
Changing Dynamics
It is expected that the people would change their demands and based on which the KPI needs to be reassigned. It must be left as a fluid model
KPI for the campaign
For this particular campaign, the specific age group that is chosen are the men between the ages of 20 and 64. The people have an educational qualification of a high school degree and are of low income group.
Increase in sales of the Blood pressure and cholesterol monitors at home by 20% at the end of the year.
Increase in brand presence of the products and increasing brand patronage for the products.

The proposed objectives of the campaign are as follows
Increase the public awareness about hearth health
Leverage the presence of the company Omron Company as a brand that cares for the preventive health of the people. By this process increase the tangible sales figure
Improve quality of life and increase awareness about the brand in the process. The local community liaisons in the low-income group will enable the company to gain leverage and create niche consumer base
Targeting of the hospitals and to form deals with the hospitals to sell the product at a discounted rate to the people.

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