
代写演讲稿ppt :投资分类

代写演讲稿ppt :投资分类

购买股份的目的是获得公司的所有权,并从投资中获得利润。投资者购买股权时,可以按面值或者市价购买。它的意思是面值不同于市场价值,它可能低于或高于面值。股息每年支付,当公司有可观的收入时。没有强制要求向成员支付股息。没有任何担保与支付股息和股权投资有关。因此,股票投资的风险更高,甚至高达100%。此外,股本回报率相对高于美国国债。为了筹集资金,美国财政部发行了被称为国债的证券,联邦政府用国债来运作。与国债相关的优势包括有保证的收益率、无风险、免税和稳定的收入(Barri Segal, 2016)。然而,投资是长期的,而股票是短期的。债券有充分的担保,定期支付有保证的固定利息。
债券投资的风险为零。年利率支付给市场价格的金额,以收益率百分比计算。当利率下降时,债券价格上涨。同样,当债券价格下降时,利率上升时。债券的收益率取决于利率、信用质量等多种因素。美国国债的收益率低于公司债券和股票的收益率。然而,由于股票市场波动性较大,投资美国国债总是安全的。一般来说,股票的回报高于债券,可以看到股票基金平均每年产生9.9%的回报,高于政府债券的5.4% (Basu, 2016)。预计新总统将采取的措施将导致美国消费者物价上涨,但不清楚工资是否会上涨。另一方面,外国投资者对债券投资不感兴趣。

代写演讲稿ppt :投资分类

The equity shares are purchased with an intention to get the ownership with the company and to earn profits from the investment. While purchasing the equity share, the investor may purchase at a face value of share or market value. It means that face value is different from the market value and it may lower or higher of the face value. The dividends are paid every year, when there are comfortable earnings by the company. There is no compulsion to pay the dividends to the members. No guarantee is associated with the payment of dividend and investment in equity. Hence, investment on equity involves higher risk and even up to 100 percent. Moreover, the returns on equity relatively are higher than U.S. Treasury Bonds.In order to raise money, the U.S. Department issues the securities known as Treasury Bonds for which the federal government uses the Treasury Bonds to run its operations. The advantages associated with Treasury Bonds which include guaranteed rate of return, risk free, tax exemptions and stable income (Barri Segal, 2016). However, the investment is available on long term basis whereas the equity available on short time. Bonds are fully secured and guaranteed periodical payments with fixed interest.
Zero percent risk involved with the bond investment. The annual interests’ payments to market price calculated in Yield ratio percentages. When the interest rates are fallen, the bond prices increased. Similarly, when the bonds prices decreased as and when interest rates are raised. The returns on the Bonds depends on various factors which includes interest rate, credit quality etc. The yields on Treasury bonds are lower than yield on corporate bonds and equity stock. However, the investment with Treasury bonds always safe as there will be high volatility in stock markets.Generally equities give higher returns over the bonds and it is witnessed that the equity fund generated returns an average of 9.9 percent per year which is more than 5.4 percent annual average return of government bonds (Basu, 2016). The expected measures by newly president warrant hike on U.S. consumer prices but unclear about rise of pay checks. On the other hand, the foreign investors not interested making the investment in debt bonds.