


Sekaran(2003)认为,面试具有多种优势,包括适应性和灵活性(Amoako, 2012)。这就是为什么使用半结构式访谈来准备问题的原因,因为众所周知,根据参与者的反应和情况,适应是可能的。文件作为辅助数据收集工具。这些文件、手册和清单是从抵押贷款经纪人那里收集来的,目的是了解他们的工作流程。在任何个人参与数据收集过程的情况下,数据收集都有可能不完全真实,因为有时受访者可能不会表达他们的感受,他们可能会隐藏自己的真实感受(Amoako, 2012)。因此,研究有遭受损失的可能。为了解决这些问题,研究者们把研究的重点放在了整体的视角上,考虑了大多数参与者的感知。
避免道德问题是极其重要的,因此,在从不同来源收集次要数据时,必须给予一定的考虑。从这一点来看,这将有助于确保从当前文献中收集的所有数据都必须使用适当的文本内引用和学术来源引用的个别语言编写(Amoako, 2012)。这有助于避免引用和引用的任何问题,并从此增加了可信度。此外,还提出了与剽窃以及数据操纵有关的问题。此外,所有参与者的个人信息都得到了适当的保护,每个人的隐私都得到了适当的尊重(Amoako, 2012)。此外,还努力以不需要个人资料的方式编制研究问卷。问卷只关注研究主题和相关问题,以证明研究的目的。


According to Sekaran (2003), there are various advantages of interviewing inclusive of being adaptive and flexible in nature (Amoako, 2012). This is the reason why semi-structured interviews were used to prepare questions as it was known that depending upon the response and situation of the participants, adaptation is possible. Documentation served as secondary data collection instrument. The documents, handbooks and checklists were collected from mortgage brokers in order to obtain a general idea on their processes. In any situation where individuals are involved in the process to collect data, there is a chance for data collection to not be true completely as sometimes respondents may not express what they are feeling and they may hide their true feelings (Amoako, 2012). Therefore, there is a possibility for research to suffer. In order to deal with these issues, researcher focused on the overall perspective taking into consideration perception of most of the participants.
Avoiding ethical issues are of utmost importance and therefore there is a requirement of giving certain considerations when secondary data is collected from distinct sources. From this regard, it will help in making sure that all the data collected from current literature has to be written in individual language with proper in-text citation and academic sources referencing (Amoako, 2012). This has helped in avoiding any issue with referencing and citation and henceforth added credibility. Issues related to plagiarism as well as data manipulation were also given. In addition, personal information of all the participants was maintained with privacy of each person respected appropriately (Amoako, 2012). Also, an effort was made to prepare the research questionnaire in a way that no personal information is required. The questionnaire only focused on research topic and related issues to justify the research aim.