

代写essay-有关体育赛事直播的讨论分析,对于许多球迷来说,电视是了解球场体验的重要途径。体育场馆和喜爱的运动员与体育迷们相距遥远,电视是观看体育赛事直播的一个渠道。受众活动反映了人们主动使用媒体的每一个阶段。这些阶段包括观看的意图和观看时的注意力。众所周知,解说员和摄像机可以为观看电视体育节目的观众提供指导,而观众则是从预设的视角观看比赛(Stefan, 2014)。因此,有媒体叙事的建构,并将这种叙事传递给受众。另一方面,在体育场现场观看比赛的观众能够通过收集原材料来创作故事。在摄像机为观众提供数字化视角的同时,观看比赛的角度检查也变得更加重要。接下来有关代写essay-有关体育赛事直播的讨论分析如下:

Benji Marshall and Gareth did not appear to be having sufficient creativity within the game, and josh Dugan had been seen backfiring. There was an opening score through penalty goal for the team of Dragon, but they considered making payment over that decision as soon as Shaun Johnson had been seen stepping his way across the Warriors for taking up the lead (Shank & Lyberger, 2014). On examining the relationship between viewing sports on television and involvement in sports, it had been found that involvement or the limit to which, there is relevance of televised sports and fulfilment of needs. They had been good factors predicting the viewing of sports on television. Fans of high involvement ended up spending more time significantly to watch sports on the television. In addition, it has been found that affective and cognitive dimensions of involvement can be seen to have strong relation with viewing of sports on the television.
For a number of fans, television is known for providing key access to the experience of the stadium. Stadium venues and favorite athletes are at huge distance from the fan of sports, and television serves the purpose of an outlet for viewing the live event of sporting. Activity of audience reflect each and every stage by which people make a move for voluntarily using media . These stages include intention of watching and attention during watching. Windahl and Levy (1984) examined the activity of audience by the use of measure for assessment of activity prior to watching television and in the duration of exposure. For providing a better clarification of variations within activities, pre- exposure activity was defined as the extent or intention to which viewers tend to seek and plan the use of media purposively. In the duration of exposure, exposure was referred to as the level of attention given by viewers to the content of television and the limit up to which they tend to participate in activities that are distracting. Commentators and cameras are known to provide guidance to the audience watching sports on television, while they see the game from a presupposed view (Stefan, 2014). Thus, there is construction of narrative by media and delivery of this narrative is done to the audience. On the other hand, audience viewing the game live at the stadium are able to produce narratives by the collection of raw materials. It further becomes important for examining the angle to watch the game while cameras provide a digitalized view to the audience. Audience watching the game live in the stadium can be considered as partial element of the mediated game, while the audience watching the match on television can be identified as dominant for viewing the entire package of television (Shank & Lyberger, 2014). On the other hand, social media ends up distracting the latter instead of having key concentration across the game itself.

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