


New Zealand is a democratic nation and has an established political structure that makes the political situation of the country stable. The government is divided into central governmental agencies and local governmental agencies with territorial authorities, making their regulation system for food safety much stronger.

Most industries in New Zealand are encouraged to participate in quality and innovation for sustainability.

As of 2014 statistics, the country is high income with GDP value at $167.3 and GNI per capita at $30,640 (Tourism NZ, 2016).

Tourism industry is a high end contributing to the economy, and more recent events of terrorism poses a threat to the industry and this could result in a unbalanced economy or at best an economic disruption.

New Zealand has a diversified population, with majority being European, followed by Maoris and Asians. At social level, there are need for skilled employees. The immigrant population helps meet this demand.

Although a high income country, the paved roads for the country are under 66 percentages and this might not be satisfactory for organizational growth in terms of reaching retail sites, sourcing from suppliers on roads and more (Tourism NZ, 2016).

Digital strategy improvements are seen in the more recent years.

Sustainable business is a popular propaganda made by New Zealand Government and sustainability is advocated for all businesses. Policies, regulations and more are implemented in this agenda.

Primary legislations such as Acts, secondary legislation such as regulations and tertiary instruments such as notices, specifications, standards and deemed regulations for food standards serve to govern the food industry, of which bakery industry is a part.

Country has a strong regulatory structure in general and in specific to the food industry relies on Food Act 1981 (the current one is Food Act 2014), the Animal Products Act 1999, Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 and the Wine Act 2003 (Ministry for Primary Industries, 2016).

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