


The term popular culture was coined in the nineteenth century. Traditionally, the term was associated with the education and culture of the poor or lower class people, and believed that popular culture was against the higher culture of elite class people. Popular culture is the lifestyle that is accepted by the majority of the people of a society. Popular culture can be defined as the different form of identity and the expression of a society. The societies may include national, regional, local, racial, ethnic, etc. The term was made popular in the middle of 20th century. It includes the perspective of people in the early 20th century that how they used to spend their time, which was influenced by the advent of new technologies, and the rise of consumer society. Such society required new ways of entertainment and enjoyment (Rowe, 1995). Popular culture itself has numerous sources in the current society. Mass media is considered as the primary source of the popular culture, which includes films, television, video games, radio, books and internet. News, media, and scholarly publications are also source of popular culture as they provide information to the masses.
Thus popular culture is thus associated with vulgar and masses. The term is more and more associated with synonyms of leisure pursuits, with sea side trips, mass circulation newspapers, with soccer, and pop music (Mukerji, and Schudson, 1991). It was the reactive consumption of what was produced, rather than being done by people. The popular culture is not just the shadow of the reality, but it is much more than that. Thus, it has become the favorite topic of philosophical and political debates. The debate is over the life and culture of people in modern and post modern societies. According to Storey, “the field of popular culture is structured by the attempt of the ruling class to win hegemony and by forms of opposition to the Endeavour” (Storey, 2006).
Thus, it would not be wrong to say that popular culture was driven by industrial revolution and industrialization was driven by popular culture to a great extent. With modernization, people found entertainment in festival, carnivals and exhibitions. Sports were also popular in that span of time. Popular culture or the pop culture was something that was accepted by the people as a social change. It was called popular as it was accepted by masses. The pop culture in music opened ways, where anyone could have a chance to come up as talented. Thus, pop culture is the result of the rise of the middle class population, brought by the Industrial revolution. Popular culture is not just a subject of research in anthropology, but it is also widely explored in sociology, history, music, arts and literature.

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