

1934年,弗雷德里克·伦奇勒创立了UTC联合技术公司。该公司是一家总部设在康涅狄格州法明顿的美国跨国公司。UTC目前由总统的首席执行官Gregory J. Hayes领导。UTC拥有航空系统、飞机发动机、自动扶梯、电梯、HVAC系统、建筑系统和消防安全系统的制造能力,是世界上最具创新性和声誉的公司之一。该公司还在国防系统作为军事承包商的存在,使其从美国政府的收入10%(联合技术,2017)。UTC现在的名字来自于它的前首席执行官哈里·格雷,他于1974年加入公司,当时公司的名字是联合飞机公司。在他的管理下,公司发展壮大,并向多个技术领域发展,1975年,联合飞机公司更名为联合技术公司。不久,UTC开始收购小型企业,并被大肆宣传为并购公司(United Technologies, 2017)。接下来有关北帕默斯顿论文代写-UTC的战略计划和目标分析如下:

The company believes that corporate responsibility and financial performance go hand in hand.
To enhance the quality of the life of people wherever the company expands its business, the company also aims and focuses on communities to make things better.
The company also works with non-profit organizations in the field of mathematics, technology, engineering and science, which is an inspiration for the business leader of new generation.
UTC focuses to build and maintain a work culture where every employee feels valued. The company focuses on three main areas are: Workforce, workplace and marketplace (United Technologies, 2017).
With its great position in the industry, UTC has several competitors in every segment. In aircraft manufacturing, GE Aviation, Turbomeca, Honeywell and Rolls-Royce are the major competitors. UTC Aerospace Systems has Parker Hannifin and Honeywell as the key competitors, while Airbus helicopters, AgustaWestland and bell Helicopter are the main competitors of Sikorsky (a subsidiary of UTC) (Aeroweb, 2017).
Organizational Structure of UTC
UTC has a 12-member (11 independent members and 1 Chairman & CEO) Board of Directors who take part on 5 perpetual committees: Finance, Executive, Corporate Governance, Audit and Compensation.
The company is purely organic as UTC, under its Chairman & CEO Mr. Hayes, believe in changing the company’s product and services according to the needs of changing environment. Organic structures are utilized as a part of associations confronting temperamental situations and must have the capacity to change appropriately. UTC handles, and investigates the data appropriately and acts rapidly. This guarantees they remain aggressive against different organizations. Organizations like UTC utilize Organic structures to convey viably and rapidly by spreading data. This is finished by divisions and diverse useful regions being firmly incorporated with each other. Likewise, by executing decentralized basic leadership, representatives of lower positioning will be able to settle on vital choices. This involves representatives displaying more prominent inventiveness and better critical thinking. UTC is an extraordinary case of an Organic structure based business. Their representatives are urged to utilize imaginative critical thinking abilities and grow new items. UTC also has an Employee Scholar Program because the company envisions that continued learning should be a part of work culture. Under this program, the company sponsors the educational programs and training of its employee across the globe. This type of scholar program allows the employees of UTC to enhance their knowledge base and skill set (United Technologies, 2011).
This is the best structure for UTC as it is a large organization where authority, control and communication are required within a huge network. Organic structure also allows the employees to take part in problem solving and they become more goal oriented rather than being job oriented.
UTC must continue this kind of working and make efforts to enhance its workforce and workplace environment continually.

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