

全世界对环境的关注越来越多。很明显,人类文明的进步破坏了自然和生态系统的平衡。由于森林砍伐和工业化,污染水平已经大大提高(Egendorf, 2005)。在这种背景下,环境保护的重要性越来越大。此外,各国政府都在这方面制定了适当的环境法。环境法是州、联邦和国际契约法的复杂组合,涉及与环境有关的问题以及保护自然资源(Sands et al., 2015)。在这方面,代写论文-中国大陆、台湾和香港的不同环境法律是本论文的研究主题。

The concern for the environment is increasingly growing all over the world. It has been evident that the progression of the human civilization has damaged the balance of nature and ecosystem. Due to the deforestation and industrialization, the pollution level has been highly increased (Egendorf, 2005). In this context, the importance of environmental protection is growing. Furthermore, various national governments have introduced an appropriate environmental law in this affair. The environmental law is an intricate combination of state, federal and international contractual law relating to issues of concern to the environment as well as shielding natural resources (Sands et al., 2015). In this respect, the environmental laws of Hong Kong, Taiwan and China are the research theme for this dissertation study.
The relevant environmental laws of the undertaken countries have been compared by their functionalities and effectiveness. All the developed and developing countries provide great emphasis on the protection of the environment (Chynoweth & Adshead, 2014). For the environment protection, these cities are trying to bring effective environmental policies and relevant laws that are helpful in protecting the environment from the extensive pollution. The pollution is the result of the development and growth (Chynoweth & Adshead, 2014). With the development, the countries’ several good and bad impact can be emerged and the negative impact is environment impact. The reason behind the environment impact is unplanned development that initially provides the advantages of the development but in the long run affects the sustainability of the nature and the people. In this context, the environmental laws of different countries support the authority to save their ecosystem. In this research, different laws of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong related to the environment have been reviewed to understand the strength and weakness of the environmental laws of the countries.
The consciousness about the environmental impact is increasingly growing among the people. The government authorities of different countries are alerted for the increasing growth rate of the pollution of the environment (Miller, 2012). The environmental pollution consists of mainly the air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. The rapid development and growth of the economy has brought significant level of industries and vehicles that are the key reason for the environmental pollution. The people used to cut the trees for the expansion of the cities and urban areas that caused pollution and have significant level of environmental impact. In order to protect the nature and the natural things, the governments of different countries introduce different types of protection measures. The most important is the development of environmental laws that supports the national and state government to save the environment (Fauchald, 2007). The environmental issue is the global issue and it is the concern of every nation. Hence, the environment protection is done by the mutual understandings of the association formed by the governments. It is associated with the foreign policies of the countries. The past few years’ experienced significant level of air pollution in the South Asian countries like China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Like any other developed and developing nation, all the nations provide great emphasis on developing as well as applying most effective environmental laws (Stern, 2014). It helps them in protecting the environment from the humankind and stops the pollution such as air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. The issue is the entire nation has different environmental laws as per their needs and for this reason, it is necessary to recognize the most effective environmental laws that can protect the environment most appropriately. The environmental rules and regulations are implemented by the government for the welfare of the society. It enables in establishing the structures for the environment management which includes regulatory agencies. The regulators are responsible to manage the environmental impacts by implementing plans, standards, incentives, policies, and licenses. The companies have to follow the environmental rules, regulations, and policies in order to protect the environment.

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