


It is critical to understand the manner in which corporate identity has involved to realize the challenges that both diversity and culture presented. The corporate identity’s communication and management had been of key importance to the IBM.
The lack of common language and shared values were the primary challenge that emerged. The communication is identified to be critical for the organizational identity. Since, ineffective communication can result in making wrong decisions that could result in more cost to the corporate than benefit. One of the other underlying issues that emerge from ineffective communication is the low employee morale. Therefore, when the employees have low morale, it becomes organizations to lose edge in innovation and experiences a corporate image decline due to the lack of innovation. The part of this problem emerged as majority of the Lenovo’s senior executives were not fluent with the English that made the working relationships inefficient. The high extent of language barriers resulted in the lengthier meetings and repeated episodes of misunderstandings.
It was found that one of the senior executives that had a significant role within the decision making did not speak English because of which a translator was included within the board meetings. Therefore, the commonalities of misinterpretations were highly likely along with the subsequent impact on the corporate identity. This example indicates that while half of the workforce was English speaking, English was still declared as the corporate language.
One of the examples indicates the mismanagement of cross-cultural communication that presented the challenges was majority of the IBM leaders did not understand that the Chinese members are general more silent during the conversation and interacts after thinking exactly what to say. This resulted in the 5 to 7 seconds gaps during the conversations that were expected by the American members of organization to maintain. However, the IBM members found the silence to be elongated due to which they used to fill the gaps within the conversation and subsequently dominated the conversations. This resulted in losing out on not only the experiences of the colleagues but also the diverse perspectives that were available for contribution. Therefore, these practices negatively affect the corporate image and reduced its strategic position across the market. The communication style differences further impacts the quality of decision making and problem solving.
The cultural norms and values differences were prevalent across IBM and Lenovo’s merger due to which the global organization that was developed had been unable to maintain a collaborative approach that was initially adopted. The cultural differences resulted in the mismatch of employee and manager expectations since the Chinese employees were giving gifts to their American managers and the Chinese CEO was not attended at the New York airport that indicates an offensive behaviour from the Chinese perspective. The Chinese ensure that high ranking guests are not only welcomed the counterparts at airport but also provided with the most luxurious transport in order to escort them to hotels. However, the potential offense was mitigated to an extent through the organizational culture commonalities such as innovation, responsiveness and accountability for the consumer’s needs. Nevertheless, the different interpretations of commitment resulted in the presenting a challenge of delayed tasks to the corporate identity since the PC Division of IBM did not effective implemented the plans as performed by the workforce of Lenovo. The challenges on the corporate image were viewed across most of its subsidiaries. The state department of US did not use the 14,000 computers which were sourced from Lenovo. The IBM workforce in Japan showcases resistance to change because of Chinese ownership due to the concerns about the design of the ThinkPad notebook series.

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