


对于民族的态度的差异,可以从语言的选择,对民族的价值观的转变以及对中国的不同看法来看,不论是作为单一家族的家园,还是不同民族的帝国可以和谐相处。以下是有关这些方面的差异的进一步说明。不同民族对待民族的态度最明显,最易于辨认的表达方式,是他们用来形容族群的词汇的不同选择。例如,蒋介石在他的演讲中不能被征服和民族独立和平等,而是选择了族群的表达。相比之下,在他的书中,几乎所有的词语都是用来形容各民族的是“野蛮人”,如“Moxie野蛮人”,“Tulao野蛮人”和“野人”(Mann S.等,pp94-6)。

“野蛮人”和“野蛮人”都是暗示蔑视的词语。根据Merriam Webster Dictionary的说法,野蛮人的意思是“与土地,文化或外来人相关或相关,通常被认为不如别的土地,文化或人民”(Merriam Webster Dictionary),其中强调质量低劣。 “野人”一词也是如此,“野人”被定义为“野性和非文化”(Merriam Webster Dictionary)。 “民族”一词主要针对不同民族之间的种族差异,蔑视和蔑视的感觉被消除。


The differences in the attitude towards the ethnic groups can be perceived in the choice of words, the change of values toward ethnic groups as well as the different views towards China, either as a homeland for a single group or an empire in which different ethnic groups can live in harmony with each other. Below are some further illustrations on the differences in these aspects. The most obvious and easily identifiable expression of the attitude of different people towards ethnic groups is the different choices of vocabulary they used to describe ethnic groups. For example, in his speeches of China cannot be Conquered and National Independence and Equality among People, Chiang Kai-shek chose the expression of ethnic group.In comparison, in his book, nearly all the words Li Jing adopted to describe the various ethnic groups is ‘barbarians’, such as ‘the Moxie Barbarians’, ‘the Tulao Barbarians’, and ‘the Savages’(Mann S. et al. pp94-6).

Both ‘barbarian’ and ‘savage’ are words that implies contempt. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, barbarian means “of or relating to a land, culture, or people alien and usually believed to be inferior to another land, culture, or people” (Merriam Webster Dictionary), in which the inferior quality is emphasized. The same is true for the word ‘savages’, which is defined as “wild and uncultured” (Merriam Webster Dictionary, ). The term “ethnic group” mainly focuses on the racial differences among different ethnic groups, and senses of despise and contempt are get rid of.