


色彩是宝石中最重要的特征,它使宝石因各种用途而显得美丽。最初,该化合物是无色的,或在提取时主要为灰色或黑色。电气石颜色的变化取决于不同矿物化合物的不同组成和化学结构。电气石晶体有32种不同的颜色。无色电气石是最稀有也是最没有价值的晶体。最常见的电气石晶体是黑色的,这也是更有价值的(Ertl, 1997)。一般情况下,在单个碧玺宝石中发现有2种或2种以上的颜色可供选择。电气石晶体宝石显示出强烈的多色性,这意味着该晶体可以显示各种颜色的基础上,这些晶体宝石的角度观察或观察。
这种水晶宝石的粉色、红色、棕色到黄色都含有锰元素,而另一边的铁和钛则呈现出从绿色到蓝黑色的颜色(Schumann, 2006)。这种水晶宝石的品质最重要的因素是色彩的强度和饱和度。电气石是六元环硅酸盐。它具有三角晶体系统,以长、棱柱状、细长和柱状晶体的形式存在。这通常是发现作为三角形截面与有时弯曲条纹面。有时,形状在自然界是不对称的。鉴定电气石最常用的方法是三棱柱形。没有其他材料有三棱柱。


Colour is the most important characteristics among the gemstones that make them look beautiful for various purposes. Initially the compound is colourless or mostly in grey or black colours while extracting. The variation in colours for Tourmaline depends on the various composition and chemical structures with various mineral compounds. There are around 32 different colour variations for Tourmaline gemstone crystal. The, colourless tourmaline is rarest and also least valuable crystal as well. The most common found Tourmaline crystal is black and this is more valuable, too (Ertl, 1997). Generally, it is found that there are 2 or more than 2 colours available in single gemstone of tourmaline. The tourmaline crystal gemstone exhibits strong pleochroism that means this crystal can demonstrate various colours based on the angle these crystal gemstones are viewed or observed.
Pink, red, brown to yellow colours of such crystal gemstone is coloured with presence of manganese constituents while on the other side Iron and titanium derives the colours from greenish to bluish-black (Schumann, 2006). The most important factor for quality of this crystal gemstone is the colour intensity and saturation. Tourmaline is six-member ring cyclosilicate. This has trigonal crystal system and it occurs in form of long, prismatic, slender and columnar crystals. This is often found as triangular as cross section with sometime curved striated faces. Sometime, the shape is asymmetrical in nature. The most common way of identifying Tourmaline is to find in form of three-sided prism. There is no other material which has 3 sided prisms around.