


在当前酒店业竞争激烈的情况下,酒店要想提高盈利能力,扩大市场份额,就需要有一个竞争的定位。1987年和2002年对大约2600家公司进行了调查。研究表明,当商品和服务质量水平较好时,公司的金融服务和市场份额也较好(Srinivasan, 2014)。当服务质量较好时,市场占有率、投资回报率、物业周转率等指标均有显著提高。因此,任何企业都有必要关注服务质量。服务业务可以从成功开始。该业务本可以在服务行业找到一个以前没有找到的细分市场,或者就像香港的酒店业务一样,找到一些酒店尚未涉足的细分市场。这可能导致服务业务或酒店在创建时处于竞争地位。然而,随着时间的推移,决定公司成功的不仅仅是产品和服务的独特性(Gummesson, 1993)。

为了保持成功,有必要从一开始就保持良好的服务质量,并随着酒店的发展,通过所有的服务缺口来提高服务质量(Wisniewski, and Donnelly, 1996)。一个好的服务质量度量系统将会在这里有所帮助,因为度量系统将会帮助识别弱点。服务质量度量的意义将产生于对服务质量的理解问题,其清晰度不亚于对产品质量的理解问题。产品质量更容易理解,参数更容易测量。另一方面,在服务质量方面,可衡量的指标更加无形。服务与产品分离的最重要特征是服务生产与消费几乎不可能分离。就产品而言,生产和消费的分离更加明显。然而,服务生产和消费的这种相互重叠的性质也是必须对其进行某种形式的度量的原因,因为这可能导致管理部门要处理相当大的质量差距。


In the current competitive nature of the hospitality industry, hotels need to have a competitive positioning in order to increase their profitability and also expand their market share. Research was counted in the years of 1987 and 2002 on around 2600 companies. The research indicated that where the level of quality of the goods and the services were good then the financial services and the market share of the company were also good (Srinivasan, 2014). Market share, return on investments, the property turnover coefficient and more were seen to be very much improved when the service quality was good. Hence it is necessary for any business to focus on service quality.A service business could start off with a success spin. The business could have identified a segment in the service industry that has not been identified before, or as in the case of this hotel business in Hong Kong, identified some niche segment of customer that hotels were still not tapping into. This could lead to a competitive positioning for the service business or hotel at the time of inception. However, with time, it is not only the uniqueness of the product and service that will determine the success of the company (Gummesson, 1993).

For the success to be sustained it is necessary for the service quality to be good from inception and improve through all service gaps as the hotel progresses (Wisniewski, and Donnelly, 1996).A good service quality measurement system will be helpful here as the measurement system will be helpful to identify the weaknesses. The significance of service quality measurement would arise from the issues of understanding service quality with as much clarity as that of product quality. Product quality is much easier to understand and the parameters are more easily measurable. On the other hand, in the case of service quality, the measurable indicators are more intangible. The most important characteristics of services, separating them products are that it would be almost impossible to separate the service production and consumption. In the case of products, the production and consumption are more clearly segregated. However, this very nature of the service production and consumption overlapping with one another is also the reason that there must be some form of measurement for it as this could lead to the presence of a considerable quality gap for the management to handle.