swot analysis 代写:热力学四原理


swot analysis 代写:热力学四原理

热力学四原理:热力学第零定律:根据这一原理,利用变温可以进行热力学的研究(Farret, Felix, 2006)。当两个热力学系统处于热平衡状态,而第三个热力学系统处于热平衡状态,那么我们说,它们彼此都处于热平衡状态。简单地说,这个定律下的物理基准是表征系统状态的温度。热力学第一定律:这个定律指出,在任何化学反应中都不可能产生或破坏能量,而能量的唯一形式是变化的。据说,在任何过程中,整个宇宙的总能量总是相同的(De Groot, Sybren Ruurds, and Peter Mazur, 2013)。在任何包含热力学循环的过程中,系统所做的净功与系统所获得的净热之间存在平衡状态。热力学第二定律:如果一个孤立系统的熵不处于平衡状态,那么它会随着时间的推移而增加。

swot analysis 代写:热力学四原理
通过它的增量,系统的方法是达到平衡与最大值。热力学第三定律:当温度接近绝对零度时,系统的熵达到恒定的最小值。从能量的角度看,地球是一个开放的热力学系统,但从物质的角度看,地球是一个封闭的系统。地球继续受到太阳辐射的能量。地球以几乎相同的速度将能量重新辐射到太空中(Dincer, Ibrahim, and Marc, Rosen, 2005)。长期以来,人类一直致力于将太阳辐射转化为各种形式的能量,以进行各种各样的工作,如电力和燃料等。人类的这一目标可以通过从地壳中创造这样的装置来实现,它可以帮助将一种能量转换成另一种能量形式。这些设备的寿命是有限的,它们依赖于额外的基础设施来维护和操作,如大学、工厂和城市等。

swot analysis 代写:热力学四原理

The four principles of Thermodynamics: The Zeroth law of thermodynamics: According to this principle, with the use of variable temperatures the study of thermodynamics can be conducted (Farret, Felix, 2006). In a state in which two thermodynamic systems are in a state of thermal equilibrium against the third thermodynamic system then it is said that they all are in the state of thermal equilibrium with each other. In simple terms the physical benchmark under this law is the temperature for characterizing the system’s state. First law of thermodynamics: This law states that it is not possible to create or destroy the energy in any chemical reaction and the only the form of energy changes. It is said that the total energy of the whole universe is same always under any process (De Groot, Sybren Ruurds, and Peter Mazur, 2013). In any process that includes the thermodynamic cycle there exists a situation of equilibrium between the net work performed by the system and the net heat supplied to the system.Second law of thermodynamics: If an isolated system’s entropy is not in an equilibrium state then it will increase with the passage of time.

swot analysis 代写:热力学四原理
Through its increment the approach of the system is of attaining equilibrium with maximum value. Third law of thermodynamics: It states that when the temperature approaches to absolute zero then the entropy of system reaches to a situation of constant minimum.The planet earth in terms of energy can be considered as an open thermodynamic system but in case of matter it is a closed system. The Earth continues to get the energy radiated by the Sun. The earth re-radiated the energy into the space approximately at the same rate (Dincer, Ibrahim, and Marc, Rosen, 2005). Human beings have been working since long for converting the solar radiation into various forms of energies for performing various working for example electricity and fuel etc. This purpose of human beings can be achieved through the creation of such devices from the crust of earth that can help in converting one of energy into the other energy form. The life span of those devices is finite and they depend of the extra infrastructure for their maintenance and operations like of universities, factories and cities etc.