


所有的业务,如图2所示,在路线上,很明显,大多数人都有重点出售薯条和炸薯条以及。只有非常少的超市如季节和arrons凯辛纳都集中在卖新鲜土豆的客户(美国饮食协会2010位)。因此,健康食品的选择对女王学院社区的考虑较少。结果是准确的,因为菜单卡进行了分析,每一个企业和股票进行了检查。从定价的角度来看,很明显马铃薯产品类型之间存在差异。从图7另一方面显然与社会经济因素在外部环境因素的描述,一般约22至32%人拥有研究生学位(Ritson,et al.,2005)。收入是每年73k高也是低23k每年。在这些收入水平的基础上,这是显而易见的,在社会上大多数人有更好的健康食品,但仍有获得成功的餐厅以及在社区卖快餐的产品描述健康食品消费不影响通过经济和健康食物获取成本。


All the businesses as suggested from Figure 2 that were on the routes, it was evident that most have a focus to sell potato chips and French fries as well. Only very less supermarkets such as season’s and Arrons Kissena have focused on selling fresh potatoes to customers (Position of the American dietetic association 2010). The choices of healthy food therefore have less consideration for the community of Queen’s college. There is accuracy amongst the results as menu cards were analyzed from each of these businesses and stocks were checked. From the pricing perspective, it was evident that there is variation amongst potato product types. From the Figure 7 on the other hand it was evident that general factors in the external environment with socio-economic considerations depict that approximately 22 to 32 percent individuals have a graduate degree (Ritson, et al., 2005). The income is higher as 73k per year and it is also low as 23k per year. On the basis of these levels of income, it is evident that most people in the community have better healthy food access but still there are successful restaurants as well in the community selling fast food based products depicting the heathy food consumption cannot always be influenced through costs in the economy and health access to food.
Healthy eating is the mantra in today’ world wherein people focus on what they like to eat and what they should eat. Good health is not compromised simply because the healthy products have higher costs. People look for health products related substitutes, for example available fresh foods in the environment and choices developed through exploration of market. As indicated through this research however each person’s choice has a direct impact on what they purchase. The individual choices have a merely larger role to play in comparison to the environmental impacts and socio-economic considerations (Rolls, et al., 2010).