


但是,合同的规定也可以在国家规定中找到,因此,如果确实存在所有权比例问题,那么在公司重新开始生产之前,必须解决这些问题。在这种情况下,PT ozmedco无法确定是否是正确的或不正式,他们提出要在南苏门答腊餐厅对待官员和他的同事吃饭。这位官员谢绝了邀请。这可能对铂ozmedco产生法律后果,如邀请一位直接参与他们公司生产的封闭的政府官员可以解释为贿赂,即使事实并非如此。KPK和tipikor法院被看作是严重的腐败案件涉及政府官员经常光顾。在这种情况下,PT ozmedco接近政府官员要求把他们找出如果信息是正确的,不会不可取的情况。在任何国家,任何形式的贿赂都是不可容忍的,这是一种非常不道德的做法。相反,他们应该考虑仲裁的情况。



However the stipulations for the contract closure can also be found in national regulations, so if there is indeed an issue with the ownership ratios, then it will be necessary for these to get resolved before the company can begin production again. Given this context because PT OzMedCo was unsure of whether the official was correct or not, they offered to treat the official and his colleagues to dinner at a restaurant in South Sumatra. The official has declined the invitation. This could have legal consequences for PT OzMedCo, as the invitation to treat a Government official who is directly involved in the closure of production of their company could be construed as bribery even if that was not the case. The KPK and the TIPIKOR court are seen to be heavily frequented with corruption cases involving Government officials. In this case, for PT OzMedCo to approach a Government official requesting to treat them in order to find out if the information is right, would not be inadvisable situation. Bribery in any form would not be tolerated in any country being a very unethical practice . Instead they should take up the scenario for arbitration.

Indonesia’s Foreign Capital Investment law provides a way for foreign investor companies such as OzMedCo to arbitrate with the Indonesian Government. These laws were laid down by the Indonesian Government to create a favourable clime for the foreign investors to settle their difference. Reforms are also being carried out in place to ensure there is better investment opportunity in the country. Also as per the ICSID convention, (as of 1968, Indonesia ratified the ICSID) an impartial forum space will be given to the company OzMedCo for conducting its legal dispute. These facilities that come with ICSID usually require the parties consent. In this case Indonesia holds a bilateral investment treaty with Australia, and hence the Australian company can invoke these facilities. Furthermore when the BKPM approved the company, a specific clause in the approval will clearly state that in the context of a dispute, then the Government of the Republic of Indonesia will adhere to its ratification of the ISCID.