


孩子们的心态是建立在教育的基础上的。对于那些没有接受适当教育的孩子来说,是社会塑造了他们的心态。这是一个严肃而关键的领域,因为这是你余生的基础。在本研究中,文献已经明确表明,心态会随着年龄的增长而变化,并揭示了认知心理所依赖的某些因素(Ricci, 2013)。此外,研究方法也被用来分析变量,根据这些变量,儿童的心态在一段时间内发生了变化。这些变量被用来进一步确定不同人群的心态。根据分析的变量集,有两种类型的信念——固定的和增长的。固定的信念表现出较低的动机和表现。另一方面,成长信念表现出更高的动机和表现。在这项研究中,参与者被设定了两个条件。
思维定势量表的设置是为了分析参与研究的参与者的结果。对于一个不同韧性水平的特定数学难题,研究人员分析了参与者对问题的选择。一个难题很难,另一个比较容易。参与者的年龄在9到15岁之间。抽样中已经出现了一些变化。然而,参与者自始至终都被暴露在相同的场景中,以确定他们用来做决定的因素。然后将决策以表格的形式进行分类,包括:强增长、一些固定的增长、一些固定的增长和强固定的增长。从他们的回答中可以很明显地看出,老年人倾向于个人信仰,而这种信仰又间接地促使他们做出决定。另一方面,年轻的孩子不倾向于做任何特别的事情,他们可以自由决定(Ricci, 2013)。


Children’s mindset is strongly based on the education. For those children who do not have exposure to proper education, it is the society that shapes the mindset. This is a serious and crucial area as this lies as the foundation for the rest of the life. In this study, the literature has clearly shown that the mindsets tend to change with age and has revealed certain factors that the cognitive mind is dependent upon (Ricci, 2013). In addition to it, research methodologies have also been used to analyse the variables based on which the mindsets of children have changed over a period of time. These variables are used to further identify the mindsets of different population. Based on the variables set for the analysis, there are two types of beliefs – fixed and growth. Fixed beliefs exhibit lower motivation and performance. On the other hand, growth beliefs exhibit higher motivation and performance. There are two conditions set to the participants in the study.
The mindset scale has been set to analyse the results from the participants who have participated in the study. For a specific math puzzle that differed in their toughness levels, the participants were analysed for their choice of problem. One puzzle was tough and the other was easier. The age of participants is between 9 and 15 years. There were certain variations in the sampling already evolved. However, the participants were exposed to the same scenario throughout to determine the factors they make use of to take a decision. The decision was then categorized in the form of a table and the factors included – strong growth, growth with some fixed ideas, fixed with some growth ideas and strong fixed. It is quite evident from their answers that elder people were inclined to personal beliefs that indirectly motivated to the decisions made by them. On the other hand, younger ones were not inclined to anything in particular and took free decisions (Ricci, 2013).