代寫論文 價格:男性記者和女性記者的不同


代寫論文 價格:男性記者和女性記者的不同
媒體上的一個常見指控是框架偏見。所表示的內容是針對特定的受眾構建的。它通常以服務於一些精英觀點而告終。它與實際情況也有很大不同。因此,有人對不同的內容提出了響亮的反對意見,說這些內容有偏見或偏見。在此背景下,本文內容分析的目的是驗證Louise North在她的文章中提出的觀點。她表示,女性記者可能會在生活方式等“不重要”的新聞領域做更多報導,而男性記者可能會報導政治和體育等更重要的問題。她的陳述經過了內容分析的檢驗。內容分析的結果確實證明了這一論斷是正確的,本文的目的就是在文獻的支持下對內容分析的結果進行分析和探討。 Pusey和McCutcheon(2011)認為,在設計媒體經營規則時,特定的社區及其內容可能會被淡化。
這發生在規則集中期間。考慮到局部區域,但是由於需要網絡內容的同質化,特定的社區被漂白了。作者還展示了2010年5月美國廣播公司(ABC)的《媒體觀察》(Media Watch)播出的新聞節目。 《媒體觀察》已經為19個地區的節目準備好了演員。儘管做了準備,他們還是錯過了一個關於圍困的報導,那次圍困導致100戶人家的居民撤離。 Pusey & McCutcheon(2011)的例子表明,由於網絡內容服務的同質化,即使是重要的新聞有時也會被認為是微不足道的。因此,新聞業中存在“不重要”的領域本身就是一種有缺陷的表現。也許內容的重要性可以根據優先級來決定。優先級可以根據時間原因來決定。所以被歸類為不重要的內容可以是這些經過漂白的內容。因此,婦女獲得不重要領域的主張的基礎也需要得到批判性的考慮。

代寫論文 價格:男性記者和女性記者的不同

A common accusation placed on media is that of the framing bias. Content being represented is framed to particular audiences. It usually ends up serving some elitist viewpoints. It also vastly differs from the actual facts. Resounding objections hence have been raised with respect to different contents stating that they are prejudiced or biased. Given this context, the purpose of this content analysis is to test out a claim made by Louise North in her article. She stated that female journalists might do more reporting on the “un-important” areas in journalism such as the lifestyle and men might report on the more important issues such as the politics and sports. Her statement was tested by content analysis. The results of the content analysis did find that the claim could be true and it is the purpose of this essay to analyse and discuss the results of the content analysis with literature support. Pusey and McCutcheon (2011) argue that in the designing of rules for media business operations, specific communities and their content might get bleached out.
This happens during the centralization of rules. Local regions are considered, but in the need for homogenization of content in networks, specific communities are bleached out. Authors also present an example of news casting by ABC’s Media Watch in in May 2010. Media Watch had prepared for nineteen regional services to be cast. Despite the preparation, they missed a story on a siege that had resulted in the evacuation of people from a 100 homes. Pusey & McCutcheon (2011)’s example shows how even significant news can sometimes be considered trivial because of the homogenization of network content services. Therefore, the very aspect of there being “un-important” areas in journalism is by itself a flawed representation. Maybe the significance of the content could be decided based on how much of a priority has to be given to it. Priority might be decided based on time reasons. So content that is categorized as un-important could be these bleached out content. Hence, the very basis for making a claim that women get un-important areas also needs to be considered critically.