


Quality planning and management plays an important role in ensuring the quality of deliverables i.e. it must be as per project specifications and customers’ requirement. In this project quality will be managed and ensured through detailed testing as explained in the testing phase. In this phase, detailed testing will be done in two steps to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the ERP systems. Alpha testing will ensure all major bugs get fixed whereas beta testing will ensure the smooth and seamless run of the system. Apart from these, precautions will be taken in every step to ensure that hardware and software installed are licensed and are purchased from branded vendors (Denis et al., 2005).

Risk management is essential in this venture as it helps in controlling the quality of the major deliverables. It helps to manage triple constraints of time, cost and resource in such a way so that the optimum path can be obtained which will generate maximum profit for the company. It is important as company can achieve one of the constraints at the expense of other twos. It can be done by using the risk registers and various techniques mentioned in scheduling. Besides these the danger of loss occurring due to lacking or fizzled internal processes, persons and systems or from exterior situations is referred as Operational risk (Denis et al., 2005).

The depiction intensifies risks related to reputation and strategy of the company. Legitimate danger includes, even if is not restricted to, punishments, fines, or reformatory losses occurring because of supervisory actions, and also private settlements. It can be constituted by a diverse amount of various external occasions starting from power failures due to floods or earthquakes to terrorist attacks. Hence, operational danger can originate due to internal happenings, for e.g., the capacity for failures or insufficiencies in any of the various processes and systems linked to company (like, IT or its risk management, human resources management processes and systems), or variety of these of its outscored service providers (Paul et al., 2005).

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