


As per the Section 81(1) of the Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989, Minister for Health and Minister for Sport, Peter Dutton MP, possess the authority to decide the universal standards for the products of cosmetics that could be made in Australia or imported into the country. The success of CCF could be seen when people flood the Minister’s office with Choose Cruelty Free campaign postcards with the aim to persuade them to ban animal testing. This has leaded the past Labour Minister for Health, Tanya Plibersek, to declare a country-wide consultative framework with the purpose of reviewing the needed legal changes. Until now the concerned people have brought into circulation above 150,000 specially designed CCF postcards to create awareness and show support for the campaign causes (Stop testing postcards, 2013).
The campaign achievements include events of March 2014, when along with the Australian Greens Party, CCF assisted in the launch of the End Cruel Cosmetics Bill 2014. This bill aimed to amend the Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989 (the ICNA Act) to prohibit manufacturing, developing, advertising, selling, or importing into Australia ingredients for cosmetics or cosmetics, which have gone through animal testing. It further persuaded Australian Labour Party’s Cosmetics and Animal Testing Policy Consultation. In November 2014 it along with Liberal Senator Ruston worked to achieve Senate motion in support of its causes. In September 2015, this motion was moved in the House of Representatives by Government MP Jason Wood. In Jan 2016 along with other similar national animal protection activist organisations like Humane Research Australia, Humane Society International, Animals Australia, International Fund for Animal Welfare, World Animal Protection and Voiceless the animal protection institute, it wrote a pressing open letter to Senator Fiona Nash, the Minister for Rural Health. In February 2016 legislation for ban was introduced by the Australian Labour Party called the Ethical Cosmetics Bill. In June 2016 the Federal Government pledged to impose the ban on animal testing of cosmetic ingredients or products or sale of such products in Australia (Smethurst, 2016).

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