


My short-term target is to comprehensively improve my own integrated management capabilities and financial expertise in the next five years so as to independently take charge of the financial investment business of the Family Business. I have also the long-term objective, which is to be fully in charge of the Family Business within the next 10 years, shape it into a private enterprise group with high degree of social responsibility and credibility, making it penetrate into various business fields, such as the real estate, the financial investment, the advanced manufacturing industries, etc.
I plan to achieve the above goals in the following ways:
Firstly, during the systematic studying of the MBA course learning, I will try my utmost to improve my own train of thoughts and intellectual level;
Secondly, to integrate theory with practice, I will get myself involved in the family business management in my spare time to comprehensively improve my management skills.Through the students and alumni network, actively expand contacts, learn from each other, and seek common development. Thus my awareness and understanding of the national macroeconomic policies will also get enhanced.
Therefore, to pursue Tsinghua MBA program is really a strategic decision of great significance for me and my career:
It can raise my ideological realm and social responsibility.
The future business leaders should have a strong sense of social responsibility and commonweal minds. The Qinghua motto “self-discipline and great virtue”, as well as the Qinghua SEM’s great mission of “contribute to China and influence the world”, will help me build up a strong sense of social responsibility, professional ethics and professionalism.
It will comprehensively improve my international vision and overall qualification.
The future business leaders need broad international vision and a broad range of knowledge.Tsinghua University stresses, as China’s one of the top universities, can provide us rich knowledge related to the political, economic, social and other fields.For young managers, these trainings are really very valuable, and benefit to them in the lifetime.

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