



候选人需要使用MS outlook协调会议室预订。在微软办公软件的知识是必不可少的这些领域。理想的候选人还应该了解金融行业。吉莉安想要一个有学位的候选人。会议在办公室/会议室:有两个椅子,被安置在一个角落里面试。它被放在窗户附近,桌上放着水。将要面试的候选人是伊莎贝尔·托马斯。她之前在新港科技公司做过接待员。以下是伊莎贝拉和采访者(我)的谈话记录。采访者:你好,伊莎贝尔,谢谢你抽出时间来见我。我将是今天面试的HR人员。感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间来。(短暂的停顿)今天天气不错。(短暂的停顿)你找到那个地方有困难吗?伊莎贝尔:这是我的荣幸。我发现找到那个位置很容易。谢谢你的关心。


Candidates who are qualified for the job are sometimes overlooked due to the external mitigating events. To reduce this issue and to ensure that the proper person is selected for the job efforts were taken to ensure that the preliminary work environment was set up right. Efforts were taken to ensure that there was proper dialogue. Environment or setting for the interview was a secluded quite place where there can be proper understanding of the candidates. Dynamics of the current environment is important, hence the chairs were made to face each other without any obvious barrier in between. There was water provided and also the private place was a neutral place. Interview guide about the assessment of candidate and make the people feel comfortable was assessed. The job specifications entail answering phone calls and taking message. Greeting people when they arrive for meetings. Ensuring that the candidate has the required people skills and coordination skills.

There is a need for the candidate to coordinate meeting room booking using MS outlook. Knowledge in MS office is essential for these areas. Ideal candidate should also have understanding about the finance industry. Jillian wants a candidate who has a degree. Meeting/ Seminar room in office :There were two chairs that were placed in a corner for the interview. It was placed near the window and there was water kept on the table. The candidate who was about to be interviewed was Isabelle Thomas. She had prior working experience with Newport technology as a receptionist. The following was the transcript of the dialogue that occurred between Isabella and the Interviewer (me) .Interviewer: Hello Isabelle, thanks for taking the time to meet with me. I will be the HR personnel who will be interviewing today. We appreciate you taking the time of your busy schedule. (Short pause) It is quite a nice weather today. (Short Pause) Did you have any trouble finding the place? Isabelle: It is my pleasure. I found it was easy to find the location. Thank you for asking .