


与事业相关的营销活动是一种假设某种特定的利益,而不是产品本身的利益,这种利益实际上可能会帮助消费者。在给定的案例研究中,多芬推出了一款紧肤乳液,上面的广告是实际使用该产品的女性,而不是模特。多芬发起的这一运动实际上是为了打破对女性美的传统刻板印象。虽然与事业相关的营销、活动或CRM是面向社会大局的,但这种营销方式有许多积极和消极的含义(Borman & Motowidlo, 2014)。首先,对公益营销活动的优势进行了评价。公益活动的优势既适用于商业组织,也适用于非营利组织(Borkowski, 2015)。在商业方面,CRM允许在消费者和市场面前声明组织具有社会责任。它还提供了公众对企业价值观和愿景的认识,同时描述了企业支持社会事业的意图。对于非营利组织来说,与公益事业相关的营销活动是很好的资金来源。非营利组织通过与公益事业相关的营销计划获得的资金不受任何审查,因此被证明是间接费用的巨大补充。

除了金钱上的好处,客户关系管理还以宣传的形式促进了无形的好处(Desmond, 2003)。通过CRM获得的宣传依赖于消费者对品牌的情感依恋。因此,通过CRM的产品广告从常规广告计划中获益更多。对于企业来说,CRM时间表是通过企业的公共关系部门来执行的,而对于非营利组织来说,内部营销人员是首选(DuBrin, 2013)。现在,对于公益营销活动的弊端,任何代表企业或非营利组织的错误都可能导致营销活动的浪费。这可能导致有关各方之间的分裂,从而导致另一个消极因素,即内部竞争。因此,企业和非营利组织必须经过大量的研究选择合作伙伴(DiPaola & Tschannen-Moran, 2014)。CRM的其他缺点包括扰乱商业和慈善事业之间的平衡,破坏非营利组织的声誉,而不是与营利性组织的联系,以及许多其他问题,这些问题仍然是营销专业人士热烈讨论的话题。


A cause related marketing campaign is one that assumes a particular benefit other than that of the product which may actually help the consumer. In the given case study, Dove marketed a skin firming lotion with advertisements featuring the actual ladies using the product and not models. This cause driven campaign by Dove was actually intended to break the traditional stereotypes set for the beauty of women. Though a cause related marketing, campaign or CRM is directed towards the larger picture for a society, there are many implications, both positive and negative in this marketing style (Borman & Motowidlo, 2014). First of all, the advantages of cause related marketing campaign are evaluated. The advantages of a cause related campaign are suited for business as well as non-profit organization (Borkowski, 2015). In terms of business, CRM allows a declaration before consumers and the market that the organization is socially responsible. It also provides public awareness regarding the values and vision of the business alongside depicting the business’ intentions to support social causes.In case of a non-profit organization, cause related marketing campaigns are great sources of funds. The funds obtained by a non-profit organization through a cause related marketing schedule are not under any scrutiny and hence prove to be great complements for overhead costs.

Apart from the monetary benefits, CRM facilitates an intangible benefit in the form of publicity (Desmond, 2003). The publicity attained through a CRM relies on the emotional attachment of consumers with a brand. Hence, the advertisement of a product through CRM benefits more from that done through a regular advertisement plan. For businesses, a CRM schedule is carried out through the public relations department of a business, while for a non-profit organization, in-house marketing personnel are preferred (DuBrin, 2013).Now, as for the disadvantages of a cause related marketing campaign, there can be any error on behalf of a business or a non-profit organization which may lead to a wasteful marketing campaign. This may cause rifts between involved parties which lead to another negative factor in the form of internal rivalry. Therefore, businesses and non-profits must choose their partners after substantial researches (DiPaola & Tschannen-Moran, 2014). Other disadvantages of CRM include disturbing the balance between business and philanthropy, ruining the reputation of non-profits in lieu of association with for-profit organizations and many other issues which continue to be a raging topic of discussion among marketing professionals.