

東南亞的衝突從一開始就涉及到該地區面臨的內部挑戰和問題。內部衝突進而導致地區安全局勢緊張,影響東南亞的發展進步。由於普遍存在的內部衝突,東南亞地區面臨著許多威脅。由於內部緊張局勢,該地區的主權處於危險之中。此外,該區域各國的領土完整和整個區域的穩定也受到影響。自幾十年來,東南亞地區的內部政治過渡一直是東南亞地區的首要和持久問題(Brown, 2003)。該地區的衝突正在惡化,並以內戰的形式出現,民族主義者正在爭取自治和自由(Gordon, 1966)。他們不接受目前的政府,因此在該地區造成了完全的緊張局勢。由政治過渡引起的其他形式的衝突有:各種政治力量之間的爭議、民族軍隊的暴力、大小內戰、叛亂、分裂主義和政治不穩定(Brown, 2003)。

宗教分配和無限制的恐怖主義也正在形成普遍衝突的更複雜的動態。東南亞地區最近不平衡、複雜和關鍵的政治狀況正在為國家間和國家內部的暴力、抗議、國內動亂和非國家因素的控制等挑戰鋪路。東南亞地區國家正在進行的政治變革,不僅在國內產生了影響,而且還乾擾了地區安全,使東南亞國家聯盟喪失了對外部因素的權力。和平與衝突研究所是一個國際公認的組織,處理任何區域持續存在的衝突動態。 IPCS目前正致力於東南亞地區的內部問題,如:緬甸的政治動盪、泰國的政治不穩定和選舉改革、新一代政治改革造成的新加坡政治動亂、馬來西亞選舉的政治條件以及印度尼西亞和菲律賓未來的政治結構。討論了東南亞主要問題的動態,重點分別為每一個衝突。


The conflicts in Southeast Asia, from the very beginning, are concerned to internal challenges and problems faced by the region. The internal conflicts in turn cause security tensions in the region, which affects development and progress of Southeast Asia. There are many threats which are posed to the Southeast Asian region due to the prevalent internal conflicts. The sovereignty of the region is on stake due to internal tensions. Moreover, territorial integrity of the countries within the region and overall regional stability is also being affected. Internal political transitions in the region are the primary and persistent problem in the Southeast Asian region since decades (Brown, 2003). The conflicts in the region are getting worsen and taking a form of civil war where ethnic nationalists are fighting for autonomy and freedom (Gordon, 1966). They do not accept the present government hence creating utter tension in the region. Other forms of conflicts due to political transitions are: disputed among various political forces, violence by ethnical troops, civil wars on large and small scale, insurgencies, secessionism and political instability (Brown, 2003).

Religious distribution and unrestricted terrorism are also formulating more complex dynamics of prevailing conflicts.The recent imbalanced, complex and crucial political condition in Southeast Asian region is paving challenges such as inter-state and intra-state violence, protests, civil turbulence and control by non-state elements. The ongoing political transformations in countries of Southeast Asian region are not only affective within the country, but it also disturbs regional security and depowers Association of Southeast Asian Nations against external elements. Institute of Peace and Conflicts Studies IPCS is an internationally recognized organization which deals with the dynamics of conflicts persisting in any region. IPCS is currently working on the internal issues of Southeast Asian regions such as: political turbulence in Myanmar, Thailand’s political instability and reforms of elections, Singaporean political disturbance created by new generation political reforms, Malaysian political conditions for elections and future political structure of Indonesia and Philippines. The dynamics of the major issues of Southeast Asia are discussed by focusing each conflict separately.