


利用这种领导力理论假设,本作业以英国游戏产业为例。本文将运用领导力理论来解释一些游戏公司的领导力过程中固有的局限性、挑战、偏见和偏见,比如英国的摇滚明星娱乐公司(Grand Theft Auto的制造商,英国)。全球领导力理论有4个概念框架,它们包括特质、风格、转型和复杂性。每一次进化都提供了下一阶段开发的信息。领导者的角色从个人规划的焦点向员工转型促进的广泛焦点发展,导致了催化剂、规制和变革以及创新意义的产生。

领导理论从将任何类型的组织权力让与给作为个体的领导者,到在追随者之间分散权力(Chesbrough et al., 2008)。角色的变化和权力分配的变化提供了一个洞察领导为基础的未来角色和创新领导。本节将简要介绍领导力理论中的四个概念框架,并将讨论它们如何为未来的领导力实践提供信息,以便在视频游戏行业中实现这些内容。


Using such leadership theoretical assumptions, this assignment has been prepared using the UK gaming industry as a case study. Leadership theories will be utilized in this paper for explaining the limitations inherent, challenges, biases and prejudices existing in the leadership processes of some of the gaming companies such as Rock star entertainment, UK (the makers of Grand Theft Auto, UK). There are 4 global leadership theory conceptual frameworks which have evolved inclusive of trait, style, transformation and complications. Every evolution has provided information on next phase development. The leader role grew from the individual planning focus to broad focus of employee transformation facilitation and these results in catalyst, regulation and change as well as innovation meaning making.

The theory of leadership initiated from yielding of any type of organization power to the leader as an individual to diffusing the power between the followers (Chesbrough et al., 2008). The changes in roles and changes in the distribution of power provide an insight into the leadership based future role and the innovation leadership. This section entails the four conceptual frameworks in brief within the theory of leadership and discussion will be led on how they inform future practices of leadership so that to implement these within the video gaming industry.