





Describe the following conflicts and provide a possible solution to each: the conflict between army and emperor; between the city of Rome and the provinces; between the upper and lower classes, and between the Christians and the polytheists?The camps of Roman Army brought Romanization. This led to the extension of the Roman culture to the Empire. The expansion also led to various conflicts. One of the conflicts was the conflict between the emperor and the Army. It was very important to bring stability and unity in the empire. It was very important to remove conflict between emperor and army. For the Roman Empire the main institution was the Army. Without army the emperors could not extend their borders and could not save their kingdom from attacks. The responsibility of defending the Empire was in the hands of army.

To remove this conflict, it was important to create loyalty. The Roman Empire constituted of twenty five provinces. It was the duty of the Emperor to unify the provinces and people. The conflict between Rome and provinces could only be stopped by establishing permanent civil services in Rome as well as in Provinces. And, this was done by Augustus. The conflict between the upper and lower class could have been removed by the spread of citizenship. The Roman citizenship provides a privilege to the people and sense of equality among the people of different classes. The conflict between Christians and the polytheists could only be removed by providing equal status to both the cultures and religions.