
resume 代写:亚马逊网站营销

resume 代写:亚马逊网站营销

对于亚马逊公司来说,市场营销的成功来自于流量的资本化,并确保客户在访问中感到投入和特殊(Leeflang et al., 2014)。亚马逊是访问量排名第八的网站之一,因此一个全面的网络营销策略可以被认为是最重要的。与设计相比,亚马逊营销主题的共同特征更倾向于有效性。基于网络的策略已经加入七个关键元素(2014)用& Nunan:高客户服务;电子邮件营销,客户意见;联盟销售;流线型排序;web服务和伙伴关系;持续改进网站。大量的客户使用Amazon来研究产品。大量研究表明,在购买之前,30%的消费者使用亚马逊对产品进行研究,只有13%的消费者考虑在购买之前使用谷歌作为研究信息(Hirt & Willmott, 2014)。事实上,许多客户已经完成了他们的研究,最终从亚马逊网站购买。
2011年,美国电子商务收入的19%来自亚马逊。整体策略的理念是为主要客户提供卓越的服务。这种说法的主要证据是亚马逊论坛上的积极反馈所带来的难以置信的价值。目前在Kindle论坛上的一篇文章往往是对客户重视和承诺的例证(Filson, 2004)。一个重要的例子是,一名男子收到了Kindle,并在几天后考虑购买一个皮革封面。不知怎么的,由于封面的故障,Kindle滑了出来,坏了。客户发了一封关于整个场景的电子邮件,一个小时后,一位代表同意发货一个新的单元,没有任何额外的解释。客户给出了积极的反馈,被公司对待他的方式淹没了,表达了竞争的加剧。因此,目前整体的营销范围提高了关键客户的满意度。

resume 代写:亚马逊网站营销

For the company of Amazon, success in marketing comes out of the capitalization of this traffic, and to ensure that the customer feels engaged and special in their visit (Leeflang et al., 2014). Amazon is among the most visited website at rank eight, and hence a comprehensive strategy of web marketing can be considered as paramount. The mutual denominator for the marketing theme of Amazon is inclined more towards effectiveness in comparison with design. Its web- based strategy had been incorporating seven key elements that are (Insley & Nunan, 2014):High customer service;Email marketing;Customer opinion;Alliance marketing ;Streamlined ordering ;Web services and partnership;Continuous improvement of website.A large population of customers use Amazon for researching on a product. A number of researches shows that before any purchases is made, 30 percent of the consumers research on the product by the use of Amazon, while only 13 percent considered using Google for research information before making any purchases (Hirt & Willmott, 2014). As a matter of fact, a number of customers have been completing their research by finally making purchases from the website of Amazon.
In the year 2011, Amazon had accountability for 19 per cent of the revenue earned from e-commerce in the United States of America. The overall strategy is set on the concept to provide exceptional services to the key customer. The main evidence for this claim is the incredible value of positive feedback presented on the forums of Amazon. A current post in the forum of Kindle tends to be exemplifying the emphasis placed and commitment put on the customers (Filson, 2004). As a significant example, a man received a Kindle and for the same considered purchasing a leather cover after some days. Somehow, due to malfunctioning of the cover, the Kindle slipped out and broke. An email was placed by the customer about the whole scenario and in an hour, a representative agreed on shipping a new unit without any extra explanation. The customer gave a positive feedback overwhelmed by how he was treated at the company, expressing the increased competition. Hence, the overall scope of marketing currently enhances the level of satisfaction among the key customers.