


根据Brian等人(2002)的观点,法律和伦理毫无疑问是并驾齐驱的(Reich, 2008)。根据他的观点,道德和法律形成了一种平衡,通过这种平衡,组织能够培养和准备自己面对什么是对的,什么是错的,从而保护自己在公众心目中的形象。正如Thompson等人(2001)所言,在整个新闻领域也需要确保平衡。一些基于网络的新闻道德准则已经被开发出来,它们之间有惊人的相似之处(Reich, 2008)。例如,网络记者。Net的道德准则是诚实、公平、负责和尽量减少伤害。根据Kuhn(2007)的研究,为博客提供了法律和道德的指导方针,它们是必须遵守的(Reich, 2008)。这些准则包括促进相互作用、自由表达、考虑供人类讨论的因素、努力获得事实真相和只着眼于争取透明度。
此外,公民记者在专业上没有足够的地位,但他们的存在相对较晚。因此,用明显的、甚至更低的标准来判断是不合适的。相反,重要的是确保他们的道德和法律框架得到良好的管理。例如,Lee(2006)指出,公民记者可能关注权利,但同时在自由和匿名的意义上寻求保护,这源于网络提供的非领土化剥削(Reich, 2008)。然而,对公民记者的日益关注往往忽视了公民记者的责任和法律义务的概念。这意味着公民的参与是一件好事,不管这是否符合道德规范。公民伦理与新闻伦理的缺失,使整个社会面临着威胁与脆弱性。


According to Brian et al. (2002), there is no doubt that law and ethics move side by side (Reich, 2008). Ethics as well as law according to him formulate a balance through which organizations are able to foster and prepare themselves for what is right and wrong in order to protect their image among the people at large. Across the domain of journalism as well, the balance needs to be ensured as per Thompson et al. (2001). Some code of ethics have been developed for web based journalism and they all have a striking deal of similarity between themselves (Reich, 2008). For example, Cyber journalist. Net’s code of ethics was in being honest, having fairness, accountability and minimizing harm. According to Kuhn (2007), a mix of legal and ethical guidelines for blogging have been provided and they are essential to be followed (Reich, 2008). These guidelines are inclusive of promoting interaction, expressing freely, considering the elements for human discussion, trying for factual truth to be attained and only looking towards striving for transparency.
Furthermore, citizen journalists do not have adequate status professionally but their existence is recent relatively. Therefore, for judging those through distinct and even lower standards would not be suitable. Instead, what is of significance is to make sure that their ethics and legal framework are well governed. For example, Lee (2006), indicated that citizen journalists may look at rights but seek to protection simultaneously in a freedom sense and in anonymity that stems from supposed deterritorialization exploitation provided due to the web (Reich, 2008). However, too often, the increased attention on citizen journalists has ignored the notion on citizen journalist’s responsibilities and legal obligations. This implies that participation of citizens is a good thing disregard of whether this is of ethics or not. The failure in addressing the citizen ethics and ethical journalism together makes the community at large be faced with threats and vulnerabilities.
