essay 評判-國際化爭端


essay 評判-國際化爭端
除此之外,菲律賓在1990年曾試圖出版和使爭端國際化,以便要求聯合國採取行動。然而,它沒有得到鄰國的支持,但為堅持合作解決辦法所作的努力仍在繼續。 2005年,中國、菲律賓和越南聯合進行了油氣勘探,收集了有關該地區油氣儲量的信息。不過,由於菲律賓國內問題眾多,且國內爭端不斷,這一協議於2008年終止。另一個原因是,據報導,中國正在強迫外國公司不要在越南佔領的地區進行勘探。中國和菲律賓的衝突就是在這之後發生的。中國和越南之間的情況也在惡化。中國已經開始對該地區的軍事進步採取越來越強硬的行動和擔憂。
2009年3月,在美國“無瑕號”(USNS impeccable)事件發生後,菲律賓的政府號通過了一項法律,規定了一系列與其海域相關的基線。這項法律規定,菲律賓可以對斯巴達利斯群島和馬辛洛克群島等一些地區提出主權要求,但指的是不受新基線所包圍的島嶼制度。 2009年5月,馬來西亞和越南也向歐盟委員會提交了一份聯合聲明。這是大陸架的界限。而是他們的大陸架延伸到200海裡(海裡)以外,在這個區域已經有九條虛線指明了中國的區域。這遭到了中國的抗議。這導致了一系列由若干行動組成的相關事件鏈,其中包括許多國家的協調行動,這些行動導致了爭端的增加。

essay 評判-國際化爭端

Other than this, the Attempts were made by Philippines in 1990 for the publication and internationalization of the dispute in order to call an action by the United Nations. However, it did notreceive the support from the neighboring nations, but the efforts for the perseverance of the cooperative solutions continued. In 2005, China, Philippines and Vietnam undertook joint surveys to gather the information about the oil and gas deposits over this region. Though, this was terminated in the year 2008 because of the number of domestic problems in Philippines and the ongoing internal disputes. Another reason for the same was that it was reported that China was forcing the companies in the foreign nations not to engage in exploration in the regions occupied by Vietnam. The conflicts between China and Philippines were instantiated after this. Also the conditions between China and Vietnam were getting worsened. China had started to make more and more assertive actions and concerns over the advancement in the military in this region.
In March 2009after the USNS impeccable incident, the government of Philippines, passed a law which led to the designation of a number of baselines related to its maritime zones. This law stated that Philippines can claim over some of the regions such as Spartlys and Bajo de Masinloc, but referred the same as the regime of islands which were not encompassed by the newer baselines. In the month of May 2009, Malaysia and Vietnam also came under a joint submission to the commission. This was on the limits of the continental shelf. It was that their continental shelf is extended beyond 200 nm (nautical miles) in such an area where there were already nine-dashed lines which were specifying the region of China. This was protested by China. This led to the sequences which consists of number of actions related chain of events, which included a coordinated moves by many nations who led to the increase in the disputes.
