

論文代寫-生態女性主義運動背後的意識形態,生態女性主義可以作為一種有效的工具來處理當前的環境問題和社會中出現的新壓迫(Young & Taylor, 2015,第186頁)。這裏使用的是一種定性的、間接的研究方法。這不是一個實證研究。定性研究試圖分析一種現象,以解決諸如它為什么會發生、什么時候發生、發生了什么等問題(Creswell, 213)。本研究旨在分析尼加拉瓜生態女性主義運動背後的生態女性主義意識形態。這是由聯合國組織的。為此目的,將對所發生的實際事件進行分析。主要的資料來源和政府記錄將用來表達這些資料。在這種情況下,定性的輔助研究被認為是最理想的。接下來有關論文代寫-生態女性主義運動背後的意識形態的研究分享給大家閱讀。

Ecofeminism can be developed as an effective tool to deal with the current environmental issues and new oppressions that has occurred in societies (Young & Taylor, 2015, p. 186). A qualitative, secondary research method is used here. This is not an empirical study. Qualitative studies attempt to analyse a phenomenon for addressing questions such as why it occurred, when, what etc. (Creswell, 213). For this research is analysis of the eco feminism ideologies behind the Ecofeminism movement in Nicaragua. This was organized by the United Nations. For this purpose, there will be analysis of the actual events that had taken place. Primary sources of information and governmental records will be used to express the information. Qualitative secondary research will be considered ideal in this scenario.

Impoverished societies of Nicaragua will be considered in this analysis. These people are the key people in bringing change and secondary research data will be used to analyse this. It would not be feasible to collect primary sources from this area. There will be information collected from the approved governmental sources to present the data. There will be assimilation of ideologies professed by the different people and critique of the people will be factored in this analysis.

In the following section the specific issues that the nation faces has been explained.

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