

論文代寫價錢-生態旅遊的發展。旅遊業在最近幾年得到了發展。然而,即使國家的經濟發展有短期的增長,也會對環境造成相當大的破壞,並導致可持續性問題。為了解決這一問題,生態旅遊近年來日益突出。生態旅遊可以被定義為一種旅遊形式,它包括人們參觀原始的、通暢的、沒有受到大眾消費主義活動影響的自然區域。由於生態旅遊的影響,這裏的碳足跡很小,這也使得人們更加意識到可持續發展的問題。索倫托位於維多利亞州,位於菲利普港和莫寧頓半島之間。距離墨爾本一小時車程,是一個田園般的海濱度假勝地。Moonraker Dolphin Swims是一家位於索倫托碼頭上的Mornington半島的公司。他們提供的旅遊套餐包括潛水探險、與海豚一起遊泳或探險巡航。這是一家生態探險公司,因其環保努力而多次獲獎。

In the modern times, there has been an increase in the social media usage. Majority of the tourists choose to post their picture in social media tools such as Instagram and Pinterest or choose to share their experience via Facebook. There should be more efforts to utilize the social media for promotions (Boley, Magnini, & Tuten, 2013). This is relatively cheaper and can attract larger audiences for the same.
They can showcase more of their activities and make key changes in their service marketing promotions. This can improve the awareness of the people regarding the services of this particular company. Another way of improving in the service marketing sector is providing more training to the personnel to increase
Involve more stakeholders
Form liaisons with more stakeholders to handle the issue of money. This can help the company during the off seasons. They can interact with more stakeholders and ensure that more people are involved with the company (Coria, & Calfucura, 2012). They can utilize the existing resources and strength to improve stakeholder relationship and form local community deal

Education and training of the awareness programs
Empower the communities by distribution of the benefits and carry out key interactions with the local communities (Fitzgerald, & Stronza, 2016). The company should create more educational awareness and training programs both online and also during the off seasons to make the tourist aware also provide the local people with the best ways to manage tourism. They can seek the support of the local governmental council for these awareness campaigns.
Ecotourism is gaining awareness in the modern era. There is a lot of rhetoric and the actual practice is relatively low. Moonrakers is one company that provides holistic ecotourism endeavours and are also licenced. They have undertaken a number of initiatives to ensure that they are environmentally friendly and also take endeavors to preserve the local environment of the place. In this case, the areas of weakness that has been identified are the economic issues, tourist lack of awareness and working as independent units. The recommendations that have been provided for the company is that they should utilize more promotional campaigns, provide better liasions with the stakeholders and ensure that there is more training for the locals and the tourists. They can be best served if they form liaisons with the local governmental council to improve their operations. To conclude, this company has a number of aspects that it is doing right. It only needs to address these issues for holistic growth and future sustainability.

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