


At IDEO, ensuring continuous and appropriate training as an official element for the responsibilities of every manager and in majority of the cases, the manager has personal involvement in the process of teaching. And hence, the partial structure of training at the organization has key focus on developing the coaching skills of managers. The categories of training programs are extremely extensive at the company of IDEO. The begin by continuously providing training for ex- apprentices considering the potential of becoming section leaders or supervisors, while continuously move across different levels of maintenance, electrical and mechanical engineering along with the management of IT. There has been a significant expansion in the scope of providing local training. The increased recognition with information technology has resulted in enabling distance learning for becoming a source of value, and several brands of IDEO have been seen appointing corporate assistants of training across the area. This seems to be providing huge benefit to allow students in the selection of courses for making up individual needs, and doing the work as per individual preference, and with convenience. The target market for GRO Luggage is the market of active baby boomers that prefer to travel a lot for the purpose of diving, swimming, hiking and other sports related activities. This market has been targeted because baby boomers tend to seek a different lifestyle after retirement while avoiding staying at home and working (Wiese & Sherman, 2011). Mostly, baby boomers are people at the age of 55 years or more and earn 71,000 dollars on an average every year. A number of baby boomers show preference in sports related activities and also own a second home specifically for vacationing with leisure activities. Since this population has ended up reaching a chronological age, they show more willingness in being active with outdoor activities that is crucial for maintaining their health and physical fitness (Mullin et al., 2014). As per the health experts from the Health System of Loyola University in the coming 20 years, the healthcare system of USA will be experiencing a lot of demand for heart care as a large population of baby boomers will be turning 60 years old. And hence, there will be increased risk for them for a heart attack.
The Research Centre of IDEO maintains the fundamental focus on research and development, while developing processes of food production and products. There is also adaptation of processes and products for certain local needs. There is implementation and deployment of development collaborating with specialists and this further leads towards increasing the degree of expertise among local producers and in local factories. There seem to be substantial differences in foods on regional basis, and hence, are developed and adapted accordingly. Technology, as a term, holds the tendency of conjuring up views of sophisticated equipment of production in modernized shiny plants. However, this can be considered as the partial story. These types of investment need to be supplied with reliability related to local raw material in order to successful in the longer run, while ensuring the supply chain. Introduction of considerably low level improvement across growers has been affected in a significant manner. Production of coffee can be considered as a good example. The coffee factories of IDEO include operations intensive of capital and coffee beans are supplied maintaining appropriate quality while transferring the new expertise. Directing knowledge transfer and local procurement in Cote d’Ivoire, IDEO has been successful in setting up its own direct centres of coffee procurement, in which farmers end up receiving a price involving variation with respect to the quality of coffee beans used.

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