


该桥在开始剧烈扭曲和振荡后,以每小时60公里的风速倒塌。缆索从每座塔的缆索鞍座顶部的原始位置滑落,在接近桥跨时极其剧烈地下落。在北缆跨中,由于缆绳带松动,近350根缆绳断裂,其他缆绳严重变形和受力。当通往大桥的交通停止时,风速约为每小时45英里(Arioli and Gazzola, 2013)。正在测量中,主跨度突然开始振动,并以每分钟14次振动的速度扭过两段。经过一定的波动后,振动加剧了。由于几小时内发生了几起事故,由于主缆从不同侧面不平衡,结构被发现扭曲。风速足够大,足以引起扭转模式的建立,直到不可避免地发生倒塌。由于中心跨的破坏,原来的抛物线电缆形成了一个自由悬挂的悬链线。
由于工程和物理概念中的许多错误假设,这座桥最终在海底坍塌(Haberland et al., 2012)。本文将从几个伦理问题和专业工程的作用来分析这个案例。尽管塔科马海峡大桥是世界上第三长的桥梁,但与迄今为止建造的所有桥梁相比,它是最轻、最窄、最灵活的桥梁之一。深8英尺,宽39英尺的混凝土甲板,舒适地容纳了双向车道,保持了光滑的外观。这座桥的外观对桥梁设计师利昂·莫西夫(Leon Moisseiff)来说意义重大,以至于它的设计没有使用加劲桁架,与乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)和金门大桥相比,加劲桁架只占桥梁的三分之一。


The bridge collapsed at the wind velocity of 60 KPH after it started to twist and oscillate extremely and violently. The cables slipped from the original positions atop the cable saddles of every tower, falling extremely hard over the approach spans. At the mid-span on the northern cable, due to the loosened cable band, almost 350 wires broke, others being severely distorted and stressed. The velocity of the wind was approximately 45 miles per hour when the movement of traffic to the bridge was stopped (Arioli and Gazzola, 2013). Being under way of measurement, the main span started vibrating abruptly and in a torsional way across two segments at the rate of 14 vibrations per every minute. After certain fluctuations, the vibrations intensified. As a result of several events in a few hours, the structure was found twisting due to the imbalance of the main cables from different sides. The velocity of the wind was sufficiently strong for causing the establishment of mode of torsion, until there was an inevitable occurrence of the collapse. As a result of the failed centre span, the originally parabolic cables shaped as a free hanging catenary.
Due to a number of wrong assumptions in the concepts of engineering and physics, the bridge ended up collapsing in the ocean below (Haberland et al., 2012). The below sections of this essay will analyze the case in terms of several ethical issues and role of professional engineering.Even though Tacoma Narrows Bridge was the third longest one across the globe, it was among the lightest, narrowest and most flexible one in comparison with any other bridge constructed until yet. With a concrete deck of depth 8 feet and width 39 feet, it was accommodating two-way traffic lane comfortably with the maintenance of sleek appearance. The appearance was so significant to the designer of the bridge, Leon Moisseiff, that it was designed in the lack of using stiffened trusses that left the bridge with 1/3rd stiffened in comparison with the George Washington and Golden Gate Bridges.