


Societies in this contemporary world have been characterized through enhanced interdependence at the level of the world in terms of economies, geo-politics, technology, culture and ecology (Yoffe et al., 2003). The term globalization is utilized for referring to this type of interdependency, with often a focus over aspects of economical nature either towards praising the trade in the world and creation of wealth or for blaming the world on division of wealthy and the poor or blaming over causing deterioration of the environment. Taking into consideration, the interdependence of ecology, a motto comes into perspective which was coined in 1970s itself. This motto was to think internationally and act domestically. Earth day was inaugurated using this motto in order to tell the world that natural processes essentially do not fall under borders of political nature (Imber and Vogler, 2003). Furthermore, they depict that each individual needs to take part in environmental protection. Global environmental issues are prevalent in the more recent times. These issues are such as the ones related to depletion of ozone layer, change in the climate or loss of biodiversity. Such issues have resulted in proving that only the range of the issues is not global but the answers needed to take action at every level, which are also international. This has been taken into consideration and acknowledgement under the UNCED, Local Agenda 21, LA 21. This agenda was endorsed in a collective manner with a broad agenda and global conventions inclusive of the climate change related framework convention and biological diversity convention (Haas, 2010).
This implies that instead of local to international being opposed become crucial to understand that changes in the society, economy and ecology at the domestic level will be experienced (Harris, 2012). However, these changes have to be acknowledged and understood with regard to what has been happening in other parts of the world that is focus over global (Ostreng 2012). From this perspective, it can be stated that international cooperation is an essential component for any strategic orientation. It should have a concentrated focus over environmental protection in a globalization ridden world. On the converse end, domestic actions need to be viewed as essential complements instead of alternatives to global efforts (Ostreng, 2005). When international cooperation is examined with regard to development of sustainable nature, it becomes important to have a close focus at the relationship between dual interdependence faces inclusive of globalization of economies and international interdependence on ecology.

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