


A proper organizational culture always ensures the clear strategic vision that mean to make sure the mission and vision statement to focus on the overall strategies. An organizational culture helps to communicate with the other employee to provide support. Top management of the companies needs to maintain a moral behaviour in the office to differentiate the company from others that mainly help to maintain their potential stake holders of their company (Wilhelm et al., 2016). To maintain a strong relation between management and employees, culture of organization plays an important role. A good organizational culture helps to maintain a perfect leadership into the organization to control the problems by taking rapid decisions. Organizational culture of CISCO makes a strong positive impact in their company and offers long term sustainability.

Every employees of the company has their own responsibility to maintain a good corporate culture in workplace. The main importance of the organizational culture is to keep the employees active and aggressive to complete their achievement. A good culture decides that how to interact with the other employees in workplace. Organizational cultures are promoting a healthy competition among the employees. A healthy competition mainly helps to increase productivity of the organization (Buller and McEvoy, 2016). It guides the employees to give them a sense of direction in organization. Good organizational culture always creating a healthy relation between employees and their team leaders that also gives them a common platform that helps to extract the best from each team member.
Company should maintain the transparency regarding work ad account information. It is important for the companies to recognize the valuable employees or the best performer and give them reward to encourage or boost their performance. Implementation of modern communicational tools is the most important for organizations that help the team to connect with each other to share important information (Anderson, 2016). Another important thing is to promote a team atmosphere in the work place that helps to increase integrity among the team members.

From the above report, it is conclude that the management and human resource are playing the major role to maintain a good corporate culture in office. A good corporate culture attracts the experienced workers, increases overall retention of the company and improves the performance of the company through the skill development process of the employees. It is important for all companies to make changes in their management to improve the organizational cultures as well as employee behaviour. For that reason, CISCO always used the expertise human resource management that helped the company to maintain a good corporate governance and culture in their company.

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