


Every organization needs to bide by prescribed organizational rules and the regulations which will be an organization effectively following prescribed labour laws and the regulations. The HR personnel will be provided with an opportunity to introduce new personnel that is the colleague’s and along with that assigning them with important job roles and responsibilities. The legal terms and conditions need to be maintained regarding the payroll management where HR transparency needs to be maintained accordingly.
From the following, four important models hold significance which should be followed by the Novocom executives. The executives of Novocom solutions need to follow the model on the unitary employment relationship where in first-hand, the psychological behaviour is an employee towards work and along with that, his rational decision making system should be evaluated. In short, it can be stated that rather than thinking strongly on the economic benefit, it is highly essential for the executives within the organization to formulate love affection in the workplace which the organizational benefit can be standardized. It is one of the conceptualization aspects of employee relationship. In the global competitive aspect, the motive of every organizations is profit making. Hence, they concentrate less on the mental and the job satisfaction of the employees.

In this respective, the organizational goals need to be strategized in such a manner so that the organizational gaols can be attained along with the maintenance of employer employee relationship. In this context, it can be stated that the unitary employment relationship is one through which the long term partnership with the concerned employee can be established. Here fair work treatment along with the organizational profit making goals can be adequately maintained and will benefit the organizational profit making objectives. It can be defined as one of the important human resource management aspect to minimize organizational conflict. It is one of the important employer-employee models that need to be established to strategize organizational future developments.

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