

擴張和收購策略的工作,以提高目標公司的業績。然而,在實施戰略之前,必須仔細評估利弊。案例研究是對ALK國際收購計劃的評估。 KO穀物的優勢在於,它們已經是一家國際企業,在非洲、澳大利亞、歐洲和美國都有業務。因此,他們對擴張戰略並不陌生,而且他們將處於有利地位,能夠將自己的業務轉移到他們的目標所在的低收入國家,同時拓寬非洲和東亞的軟飲料分銷渠道。僅從這一方面或知識上來看,收購將阻礙KO穀物的價值。當KO已經有擴張計劃時,收購另一家公司可能會給公司帶來問題。然而,該案例研究提供了評估收購的其他信息。


即考慮1)KO不是經濟狀況良好,雖然不願出售可能接受報價,2)他們最近擴展到低收入國家仍處於談判階段,3)國際化的形式進入利基釀造地區,利用飲料分配現有的都不太順利。國際化形式的業務擴張通常是在新產品開發、新業務開發、現有市場滲透或新市場開發的背景下進行的(Datta & Grant, 1991)。通常,一個企業會通過仔細的計劃來採取其中的一種策略。以KO為例,可以看出他們目前採取了兩種策略。首先是低收入國家的新市場發展;其次,該公司正在進入利基釀造領域,這意味著它是對現有市場的滲透。同時採用兩種擴張策略對KO來說似乎並不奏效。在這種背景下,收購KO穀物可能會給它們帶來價值,因為它們將能夠利用ALK International的戰略優勢。


Expansions and acquisition strategy work to improve the target company performance. However, careful assessment of pros and cons has to be conducted before the strategies are implemented. The case study is an assessment of the acquisition plan of ALK International.The strengths of KO grains are that they are already an international business and have operations in Africa, Australia, Europe and the America. So they are not new to the expansion strategy and would be well positioned to move their businesses into the Low income country that they have targeted along with broadening of the soft drink distributions in Africa and East Asia. Considering only this aspect or knowledge, it can be said that the acquisition will hinder the value of KO grains. Acquisition of another company when KO already has plans for expansion can lead to issues for the company. However, the case study offers other information to assess the acquisitions.

Namely consider 1) KO is not doing well financially and although reluctant to sell might accept the offer, 2) their more recent expansions into a Low Income Country is still in the negotiations stage and 3) their internationalizations in the form of moving into niche brewing areas and tapping into drinks distribution in existing ones have not gone well. Business expansions in the form of internationalization are usually done in the context of a new product development, or a new business development, or a market penetration in an existing market or a new market development (Datta & Grant, 1991). Usually a business takes up one of the strategies by carefully planning for it. In the case of KO, it is seen that they have taken up two strategies at present. The first is that of a new market development in a Low income country and secondly, the company is moving into niche brewing areas, meaning it is a market penetration in an existing market. Employing two expansion strategies at the same time does not seem to be working well for KO. Given this context, the acquisition of KO grains might bring value to them, as they would be able to use the strategic strengths of ALK International.