

國際英語語言測試系統是一種統一的測試系統,在以英語為主要語言的新環境中理解學生的應對能力。雅思的分數在0到9分之間。 o表示學生沒有參加考試,較高的分數表示學生精通語言,能夠適應新的環境。英國、澳大利亞和新西蘭的大多數大學都採用了這種方法。大學和社會非常重視考試分數,認為如果一個人在考試中得了高分,那麼他在國外大學的應對能力自然就會更好。然而,文獻證明,這些考試被大學給予了不適當的重視或不太重視。




International English Language Testing System is a uniform test system to understand the coping skills of the students in a newer environment where the primary language is English. IELTS is scored on a band score between 0 to 9. Where o means that the student has not taken the test and higher band score means that the student is proficient in the language and would cope in the newer environment. This has been used by majority of the universities in Britain, Australia and New Zealand. Universities and the societies give a lot of importance to the test score and assume that if a person scores high in the test, they would naturally have better coping skills in the foreign university. However, literature proves that these tests are given undue importance or not much importance by the universities.

This IELTS is only a test of the linguistic ability of a person and it does not make the person automatically more adept in dealing with people in a new environment. This perception leads to students developing fear and causes negative impact of the tests. The right approach towards this tests has not been given by the universities. The testing approach and the predictive validity variable of the IELTS tests has been questioned. Apart from this there is also a general criticism that the standardized test does not accurately pinpoint the learning skills of the individuals. This is the overall interest for this research for this empirical research of Taiwan students coping in London has been analyzed. In this research, the Taiwan students in the International Britain universities have been critically analyzed, and the research design and the research objectives have been devised based on this fundamental research question. All ethical considerations have been considered in this research.