


The HAAs just like many microorganisms are ubiquitous in nature in the form of environmental contaminants, which have their presence in snow, ice, rain water, seawater, fog and even fresh water. The water bodies and different sources of water bear variety with regard to typology and thus act as a repository for these compounds. This, phenomenon becomes profound as a result of their enhanced ability to undergo solubilisation and bearing a significantly low levels of Henry’s constants respectively . Issues pertaining to climate change and global warming are not restricted to any particular country or region, but are experienced across the world. As a result of this, it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the levels of permissible range of HAAs in drinking water when considered practically. The Asian regions have experienced longer periods of summer and heat compared to shorter time frames for cold and winter seasons. Therefore, as a result of such sharp seasonal variations, the difference of water temperature can be as much as 20°C. As a result of the changes which occur at a fast and rapid phase, at times, there could be sudden and fast run offs in watershed along with the melting of snow during the spring season. This results in vegetation decay at a fast pace and it basically serves as a source for NOM during the season of fall. These factors thus would serve as an important attribute towards identifying the factors which cause significant changes in the water quality. The DBPs and its presence in drinking water bodies due to the process of chlorination could thus multiply the existing disparities. These disparities normally exist in the operational parameters and procedures for alteration of water quality (Cardador & Gallego, 2014). As the limitation of HAAs in water bodies is ill defined for many countries across the world, it is important to narrow down research regarding the different kinds of impact which the HAAs on the environment when they are available dissolved in the water bodies (Procházka et al., 2015). The current body of evidence shows little information regarding the direct role of HAAs in human beings apart from cancer, however, further research shall definitely bring about other environmental hazards it poses on the livestock and flora.

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