

Urbanization and slum growth are parallel to each other and one grows with the help and contribution of the other. Challenges of urbanization remain sensitive, pertinent, and endless, although all specific measures have reduced the dismal conditions of slum dwellers. As economic advantage is associated with mega cities, increase in slum population is never ending. Case example of Mumbai remains relevant, as after umpteen number of slum development efforts, the slum population has increased beyond control. Being an economic capital of India, Mumbai has attracted millions of domestic migrants to its shore, resulting into unprecedented slum growth. This put immense pressure on city infrastructure, and thus the demand and finding requirements of infrastructure grew. The issue of slum redevelopment efforts going without any satisfactory result lies in the domestic migration policy and disproportionate city development. This deprives the poor rural resident without any opportunity of bettering his and his family’s life, and thus follows the growth in slum.

International institutions have been unreserved in their influence to slum development policies and privatised slum development to private real estate developers. Some pockets of the country have seen a dissent growing between the urban middle class and the slum dweller and the wealthy residing in the same vicinity. This indicates social exclusion and ignoring the issue that is supposedly the seed of resentment among classes. Institutions have been earnest in offering funds for low interests, but they do not have the expertise of building a cohesive partnership between the stakeholders. Their influence is more capitalistic and less socialistic, which is basis of resolving slum dwellers problems. It needs a socially progressive policy framework to enhance the efficiency of the efforts, or else it would just be an ignorant wastage of taxpayers’ money. Funding welfare housing outside the purview of private slum development requires immense support from foreign aid, which comes at a cost that makes the projects unviable due to thin profit margins. Unless nations fail to implement proportionate development policies that keep the slum resurgence subdued, there can be inclusive growth, poverty can be slightly alleviated and reasonable and satisfactory growth can be registered.

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