


Nicaragua has faced several issues regarding pollution owing to the modernization and industrialization process . Pollution and environmental sustenance are being discussed in the global arena. Contamination and pollution have become a grave concern for people. Several efforts are needed to deal with the current situation . Global perspectives regarding population, natural resources and food has constantly evolved. One of the popular social perspectives is ecological feminism that was initially started in 1980s.
It was observed that in the case of Latin America and Caribbean region, there was an eclectic mix of the urbanization and there is significant biodiversity in the region. It was found that this area was significant biodiversity and there are several valuable crops in the region. In this area, there has also been significant urbanization process that is observed in the region . This has caused to affect the local biodiversity and has caused to affect the developing world with pollution, over utilization of water resources. This has caused detrimental health effects to the people. This has caused specific impacts on the economically downtrodden members of the society . There was recently a successfully ecofeminist movement in the region that were successful. Owing to this, there is a need to develop more structured impacts to create ecofeminist movements in the region. This should be developed based on the past ideologies . It will be summarized from this analysis that there is a need for more such movement in the developing and emerging countries of the world. The case of Nicaragua and the ideologies developed in the area can be used to make these important contentions of developing a formula to be used across the spectrum. There are still a lot of areas that can be protected because of newer pollution awareness movement in the nation. Women in these areas were oppressed, economically stagnated, made to work in oppressive conditions with little or no health care facilities. Some movements of the women were successful and there has been improvement documented (Apergis and Payne, 2009, p. 212). This literature review points towards the fact that there is a need for a stronger grass root movement based on how the previous movements showed potential. The ecofeminist movement being a more successful movement, the roots and nuances of this movement are elucidated and investigated in detail in the following sections. This movement that had potential was not fully developed. The reasons for those have also been probed in the subsequent sections. The potential of the previous movements needs to be harnessed. The subsequent chapter will probe one such endeavour. The case study analysis of the Nicaragua ecofeminist movement will be probed in detail in the following chapters. This case study is selected as the past movements have shown potential for the ecofeminist movement in the nation. This would help in understanding the intricacies of many of the issues discussed in the literature review.

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