


Salvador Dalí was a renowned Spanish surrealist painter. He was skilled in creation of technical imagery. He also creates peculiar images in the surrealist theme. The most famous creation of the artist was the “Persistence of Memory”.

Salvador Dalí “Persistence of Memory” shows the image of melting pocket watch. This is the theory of softness and hardness that was prevalent during those times. The soft watches symbolize the relativity of space and time. There is a surrealist interpretation of the collapse of the conventional thought process that is exiting in the artwork. This art work is also a testament and explanation of the Special Theory of Relativity. However, some people state that this was the perception of the Camembert melting in the sun. There is an anthropological image that is found hidden in the work. This is a strange monster that is changing the cosmic order (Dali, 2013). There is the use of ants to indicate the symbolization to the decaying process.

Salvador Dalí was also deft in a range of artistic tools that he used in a variety of media. He was considered indulgent and grandiose. Elsa Schiaparelli was a close patron of Salvador Dalí. She recreated the surrealist work in her fashion lines. There was the use of strange visuals and discerning patterns that was seen in the style which was created by Elsa Schiaparelli.

The surrealism is has its own implications in the fashion movement. One of the most popular works was the “tears” dress. This was designed in the early WWII and was presented in the “Le Cirque” collection. It was originally introduced in 1938 and had evoked strong emotions in the people. It is considered a “mourning dress” (Dali, 2013). This shows a woman wearing remnant of tight dress.

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