


In current times the very nature of peripheral devices is undergoing changes. Companies like Apple have innovated to an extent where they ensure peripheral devices are embedded within their own product systems. For instance, it can be seen that the use of a separate mouse is no longer necessary. In the use of tablets or laptops the mouse is integrated into the product itself. A separate mouse is not required here. In such cases the normal strategy that Logitech uses might not work here. There are chances that the peripheral market of Logitech might disintegrate wit time Logitech at this point has two options, in terms of computer peripheral product manufacturing, the company can invest in video conferencing tools, remote controls and more. These are tools that would be needed by the current population. Research studies show that in current situations more people are using video conferencing tools and the like (Rowlands et al, 2011). Social networking has increased to a greater extent and people are seen to be focused on using these tools. From education to business purposes many uses can be identified. These are tools that cannot be made obsolete, and there would also be a competitive market for them. Hence this is one recommendation that can be made from the case study. The other is that, for long term survival, Logitech must invest in partnerships with computer and telecom manufacturers in order to present applications of products that are compatible with these businesses. A major percentage of people own a Smartphone and hence this could be one an advantageous move for Logitech.
This report would like to recommend that Logitech should take advantage of both options. Logitech has diversified over the years but has stayed in the more secure path and has attempted to not take any risks. In more current times it should attempt to diversify taking up more than one option in product making. The strategic input that Logitech should take is about how the computing industry is changing in a complete manner. In the past Logitech looked out for specific opportunities. However, the change at present is such that the opportunity has to be identified in a more holistic manner, else whatever strategic adaption that Logitech might be involved in would only satisfy a very short term purpose.

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