


The price of the wine in Dromoland Castle depends on the amount. The range of the price is 10.95 Euros for single glass to 3800 Euros for one bottle.The wines are displayed at the entrance of the restaurant. The wine waiters set up a table during dinner, which displays all the wines available in the restaurant. Except white wines, all other only served in the bottles. Many wines are also served in half bottles. The wine waiters prefer to serve the older red wines or vintage ports as according to them those have good flavors and aromas. This will be more vibrant upon serving. 3 varieties of red wines, 2 types of white wines and 1 Rose Red Wines are served in the restaurant. Merlot and Sauvignon coming from France, Pinot Noir from New Zealand and Shiraz originating from Southern France are the most popular brands used in the restaurant.

Majority of the wine sales that are about 60% are dependent on the sales of house wines. The rest of the sales that are about 40% are dependent on the sales of all other types of wine.

One of the most popular offers used in selling of wine is the ‘Bin End’ sale. Here the wine seller offers the last bottle of the wine at a reduced price. However, in the Dromoland Castle, there is no such promotional offer for wine selling.

The wine waiters or the sommeliers take the order of wine along with the dinner order. The choice of the customers may vary as some like to take wine along with their meal while others prefer to take it before or after the meal. The sommeliers server the wine according to the choice of individual.

The sommeliers control the wine docket in drink wise manner. They achieve this by putting the wines in a micros system. When it is necessary to prepare the checks for the customers, all the waiters work collectively to prepare the final bill.

Most of the people that nearly 90%, who visit the Dromoland Castle, come to spend a leisurely and luxurious time. Hence, all those guests drink wine or various types to enjoy their time staying in the hotel.

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