


“Deductive approach is a dominant research approach, which means developing a theory through a rigorous test. It is an approach where laws present the foundation of explanation, allow the anticipation of phenomena, predict their occurrence and therefore permit them to be controlled. Hence, this approach allows the research to use theory to establish a hypothesis. The researcher is to confirm or reject the hypothesis to resolve issue and collect various data and information.” On the other hand, “Contrary to the deductive approach, the observation of events is made before the theory is made in an inductive approach. It is a flexible approach because no predetermined theory is required to collect data and information. The researchers collect data before a theory is made after the analysis of the same. They use the observed data and facts to arrive at the tentative hypothesis and define a theory as the research problem. This helps the research to give inductive arguments.”
Under deductive approach, the first step is to derive a tentative hypothesis from the theory. Next step is to seek for an appropriate method to test the hypothesis. Then data are collected to test the hypothesis. Based on the results of data analysis, it is decided whether there is empirical support for the hypothesis. Under the context of this research, the research approach relies on deductive method. Secondary data were gathered by review of theory and literature, including journals, articles, books and online databases. Primary data were collected by a questionnaire survey. The results intend to verify or reject the hypotheses and may be translated to a new modelling approach and theorizing in international marketing. Moreover, when applying data collection techniques to research, philosophy of positivism shows advantages of highly structured, large samples, measurement, and used for quantitative research when comparing with other research philosophies (Saunders et al, 2009). Therefore, philosophy of positivism is appropriate for this research.

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