


There will be ethical considerations in this research as there is use of primary data in this research. There are several ethical issues in primary research. These need to be addressed in order to make the research gain credibility. The ethical issues in research are explained in detail in the following.
The researcher needs to understand about the ethics involved in research. First and foremost, there should be due Intellectual property of other research. In this research wherever the research has used ideas and research outcome other researches, the due credit has been given.
Another important is when dealing with vulnerability issues. When dealing with participants, there should be considerations about children or young people are involved when they are below the age of 18. The participants should not be within the same group of known people. The participants should be treated fairly and ensured that they are not subject to any preconceived notions of the research. The participations should participate in the research voluntarily. There should be no breaking of law or ethical considerations. There should be no pain, distress or discomfort for the participants. There should be prior consent that should be obtained from the participants. They have full control as to what information can be used for the purposes of the research. There should be inconvenience caused to the lifestyle of the participants owing to the research. There should be no tangible losses to the participants owing to the research. In the case of content of the research there should be no conflict of interest. The researcher should not use the research to inject about their biased ideologies or notions. There should be no natural hazard to the environment as a result of the research. Recording of the information should be developed only after gaining proper sanctions from the government bodies. The researcher has ensured that the participants of the research were treated ethically and also ensured that there were no issues for the participants as such.

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