

在本篇代写作文-第二代性别偏见对“玻璃天花板”的影响中,第二代性别偏见影响玻璃天花板的另一个方面是女性在高层的自信表现。当一个处于更高层次的女性表现出更加自信和果断的时候,处于所有者层次的男性会让她觉得自己是一个强势和傲慢的女性(Kitada, Williams和Froholdt, 2015)。当男人做同样的事情,他们被认为是成熟的,自然拥有一个自信的性格。这间接影响了组织中的“玻璃天花板”(glass ceiling),使女性更不安全、更缺乏自信,即使她们被要求在某一特定类型的工作中表现得咄咄逼人。这种工作环境的存在导致很多女性选择成为企业家,并开始自己创业,接下来有关代写作文-第二代性别偏见对“玻璃天花板”的影响分析如下:

Other issues of second generation gender bias are the appraisal system in which most ideal worker are promoted and given important projects or overseas assignment. This happens easily because women are responsible for childcare and home care responsibilities and they can never able to work more than men do when they have dual responsibilities of office and home (Carter, 2011). As a result, men put in more time at work. Men can also work at late night which is not always possible for a woman due to safety issues. These biases are used to keep the glass ceiling intact and thriving. This innovative way of using the glass ceiling where men and organisations uses the natural weaknesses of women as a reason for their inability is an unethical and immoral practice. This is because men also have natural weaknesses but they are only able to work smoothly and more dedicatedly because of the support of their women spouses at home. Using a weakness as a reason for their failure to perform a task is outright cowardice as an act.
Gender stereotyping also makes women less comfortable and confident about their position and potential abilities. Being stereotyped, women always spend more time being careful of not making mistakes rather than focussing on their core strengths and abilities (Walby, 1988). Stereotyping suppresses natural propensities of women. They become silent victims and eventually become less productive.
One of the best ways of removing second generation gender bias is to spread its awareness at workplace, especially among women, and teach everyone about the silent and creative discrimination (Ibarra, Ely and Kolb, 2013). This shall create fear in the minds of those who are inclined to practice such unethical acts. While hiring candidates, all applicants must be made to refrain from writing their full name but just initials, which deceives the selector to assess candidates’ performance based on gender. Other ways include the testing of all employees by an external team only through written test where they are not informed in advance about the names of the employee. This may bring out more women at top where they deserve.

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