


The implementation of the various new practices is one of the key elements of the organisations which are changing. According to the evidence, it was suggested that the gains derived from the changes are lost from abandoning the various new practices that are widespread in nature today. The sustenance of change is an absolutely integral component of managing the process of management. The implementation of change is considered to be the main subject of both considerable theories and research. There is only a limited portion of research which was carried out by the issue of sustainability (Burke, 2017). It was argued by Buchanan that the expenditure of the longitudinal research along with the improper perception and idea of stability is considered to be inertia and the absence of responsiveness of the changing environment. All the available evidence has been reviewed and there are mainly eleven factors which are likely to affect sustainability and mostly at the time of addressing these factors there is a tendency to sustain change. These factors were observed to be developed into a model which is tentative in nature and has the tendency to display weighing of these factors with regard to the importance of the sustainability of organisational change and the communication with each other (Kezar, 2011). There are three issues which were observed to have a particular significance in sustaining change. When it comes to the sustenance of change, the substance of the change takes into account the fact that whether the change is central to the organisation and whether it is likely to agree to the stakeholders. Next, the process of implementation takes into account the manner in which change is both managed and carried out. In the end, it takes account the temporality of the duration provided for the change to take place and make a difference along with the inclusion of both the pacing of the events and sequence. It was observed that despite the development of a huge model of sustainability, it is the authors who were expected to continue the stress both interaction or communication. The importance of the factors which are mainly contextual are likely to vary in terms of the unique aspect of each and every organization (Bevan, 2011). Hence, it can be put forth that the projections of sustainability which were made with the guidance of the model of sustaining change require an elaborate knowledge of the organisation along with all the aspects of both internal and the external environment.

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