

代写网站-麦当劳使用全球营销计划的营销组合,鉴于该公司在玻利维亚领土的扩张失败是显而易见的,业务挑战必须适当地最小化,以遵循全球营销计划的营销组合。为了市场的发展,必须制定市场进入策略。麦当劳的管理层应该聘请一些研究人员,他们将负责进行适当的研究,基于人口和地理因素,他们可以进行营销组合理论和获得可观的利润(罗思,2006)。通过适当地使用营销组合,通过提供营销计划来确保和鼓励市场反应,公司可以通过分析成本效益弹性来改变产品和服务的感知价值,从而增强产品管理专业化的优势(Mayrhofer, 2012)。在这种情况下,公司必须为消费者提供一系列的特权,使消费者可以把麦当劳的产品作为他们的“第一和最后的选择”。甚至公司可以提供一些促销活动,比如BOGO offers(买一送一)和其他相关的促销活动,在短时间内吸引越来越多的消费者。接下来有关代写网站-麦当劳使用全球营销计划的营销组合分享给大家阅读。

For the promotional purpose of the products and services of McDonald, the marketers should consider budgeting rules and regulations competitive parity, percentage of sales (LaPlaca, 2007). It is necessary objective-and-tasks for gaining a benchmark of promotional efforts to achieve the global objectives by three best approaches which have been mentioned below-
In bottom-up budgeting which determines the market budget and the resources of the budget.
Top-down budgeting, which sets a total budget and split-up the budget resources.
Making necessary decisions at an individual regional level that would be submitted to the headquarters for approval (Lamb, Hair and McDaniel, 2004).
In this regards, some barriers may arise during the promotional purpose so it should be the focus by the management to rectify the barriers and minimize those barriers from the root. In this regards, the Globally Integrated Marketing Communications (GIMC) should be followed by the management of McDonald because of its integrated solution in the promotional movements. The horizontal base is based on country to country promotional communication and on the other hand, the vertical base concern with the promotional tools.

As per the failure of the company in the Bolivian territories to expansion is seen, the business challenges must be properly minimized for following the marketing mix of global marketing program. The market entry strategies must be made for the growth of the market. The management of McDonald should hire some researchers who will be responsible for conducting appropriate research based on the demographic and geographic factors by which they can conduct the marketing mix theory and gain a handsome amount of profit (Loth, 2006).
By using the marketing mix properly, the virtue of specialization in product management could be enhanced by the company to analyze the cost benefit elasticity to change the perception value of products and services by providing a marketing program to ensure and encourage market response (Mayrhofer, 2012). In this situation, the company has to offer a great range of privileges to the consumers end so that the consumers can make McDonald’s products as their “First and the last Choice.”
Even the company can provide some kinds of promotional events such as BOGO offers (Buy One Get One Free) and other related promotional offers to attract more and more consumers in a short period.

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