


许多研究人员认为,餐饮行业的相关服务是一项高度艰苦的工作,复杂性更高。与食品和饮料服务点相联系的质量管理,以集体的方式满足客户服务的几个特点的需求(Kandampully et al., 2014)。在酒店行业中,有许多技术涉及其中,通过管理顾客对食品和饮料业务的期望和看法是可能的。从实用的角度来看,这些技术主要是基于餐饮企业顾客的需求。教育客户:它是一个非常强大的工具,使用前组织的食品和饮料行业,像麦当劳和汉堡王。他们首先公开与客户沟通,员工试图解释他们在时间框架内提供的产品和服务,并达到特定的标准(Lusch & Vargo, 2014)。通过不同的促销活动,潜在客户还可以获得令人兴奋的优惠和令人印象深刻的食品和饮料服务质量的信息,通过这种方法,期望管理由顶级公司出色地执行。

持续的监控:顶级餐饮机构有非常严格的监控过程分为两个基本类别的定量数据和定性数据。用这种方法,质量控制是可能的,更大的图景可以观察到管理期望。与此同时,该技术还支持优化工作的优先级,比较生产线的能力,确保产品和服务的一致性,并降低成本。通过应用这种技术,客户的期望管理变得非常简单。交货及时迅速、高效的服务:这种技术的期望管理是非常必要的现代生活的节奏加快。没有这一点,顾客日益增长的需求是无法满足的(Hollensen, 2015)。现有的投诉或客户的不满意问题都可以用它来解决。罗斯的研究表明,优质的食品和快捷的服务可以为知名餐饮企业带来满意的结果。


According to many of the researchers, services related to food and beverage industry is a highly painstaking work with greater complexity level. Quality management linked with food and beverage service points towards meeting the needs of the several characteristics of the customer service in a collective manner (Kandampully et al., 2014). There are numerous techniques involved within the hospitality industry by which managing the expectations and perceptions of the customers towards the food and beverage operations is possible. From the practical point of view, these techniques are primarily based on the customers’ demands in the catering enterprises. Educating the customers:It is a very powerful tool which is used by top organisations of food and beverage industry, like- McDonald and Burger King. They first openly communicate with the customers and the personnel try to explain the products and services that they provide within the timeframe and up to a specific standard (Lusch & Vargo, 2014). The potential customers also get the information about exciting offers and impressive quality of the food and beverage services by different promotional activities and with this approach expectation management is performed brilliantly by top companies.

Continuous monitoring :Top F&B organisations have very strict monitoring process which they have divided into two basic categories of quantitative data and qualitative data. With this approach, quality control is possible and the bigger picture can be observed as managing expectations. Along with it, the technique also supports prioritizing the improvement efforts, comparing the production line capability, ensuring about the product and service consistency and reduction of costs. By applying this technique, expectation management in case of customers get really easy. Timely delivery with fast and efficient service :This particular technique of expectation management is quite necessary looking at the accelerated pace of the modern life. Without this the increasing demands of the customers can’t be fulfilled (Hollensen, 2015). The current complaints or else the dissatisfaction issues from the clients can be resolved with it. As per the study of Rose, prompt service with best quality food products can cause satisfactory outcomes in illustrious F&B companies.